
Can we Afford Human Longevity?

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Human longevity is the length of life a human being can live. The human survival has increased, and human being can live a longer life and the number of people reaching retirement age is increasing tremendously. The increase in number of people in this age has been attributed to the reduced mortality rate and the existence of physiological and technological improvements. The reduced mortality rate and increased number of people reaching old age significantly impacted on the economies especially the pension schemes. This paper discusses the human longevity and right of one to live as long as they can live.

Do humans have a right to live for as long as they can?
Human beings have a right to live for as long as they can and no one should end their life including themselves. There are legal and ethical frameworks protecting the human life. The human rights state that human beings have a right to life, and no one should end the life of another2. Human beings are not distinguished into any groups by either law or ethics when it comes to the right to life3. Therefore, there is no life of a human being that should be ended by a human being. One should live for as long as their living organism is alive3.

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Is there a right to die on your terms?
Death is inevitable, and one dies when the living human body dies. Everyone have right and more so an obligation to die as long as they cannot continue living1. The inevitability of death means we have right to die, and everyone should come to terms so that they allow others to die when the time comes1. When life seems it cannot be stopped from dying, doctors can stop the treatment1. But they are prohibited from killing by law and also by the code of ethics of their profession. One should not be forced to continue living unnecessarily especially when their living organism cannot support the life anymore1.

Should there be a social responsibility to die?
One should not be socially responsible to die even if it is the interest of everyone else for that individual to be out of the society or out of life. The human right deprives everyone right from ending their life’s2. In many communities trying to commit, suicide is not acceptable, and it should not be tolerated3. Those who attempt to are stigmatized. It is against the community norms for anyone to end their life to be socially responsible and should not happen. In events of death, many people are left hopeless because of the loss; one ending their life in the name of social responsibility does more harm than good to the society.

Would you plan your death if the costs for outweighed the benefits of you are staying alive?
When reasons for living seem to be overridden by the reasons for one to be dead, life should still continue. Traditionally it is believed that, ‘the darkest hour is immediately before dawn’. By this saying, one should not end their life even after benefits of living being outweighed by the costs of living because immediately after giving up life, dawn may come and good things come. Christians believe that challenges are just but temptations which they will always trumpet against1.

What are pros and cons of increases in human longevity?
The increase in human survival has a lot of advantages to the society as a whole. Human beings live with more confidence and enjoy life more as they build the economy and their future life at old age. It brings a positive growth and development as people have more time to investment. Also, it gives one opportunity to live with their families for longer periods. There are also disadvantages of human longevity. The economy of the country suffers in the long run because people tend not to work at later days of their lives and hence being liabilities economically2. At old age mostly spend their pension having leisure at the expense of the economic growth. Also at old age after retirement the energy for one to be very productive is gone and hence less productive. Conflict may arise in the taking care of the old. It seems injustice for the government to provide better health care to the elderly at the expense of the children. The old also becomes liabilities to their families as they need special care and close attention that might be at the loss of the family members enjoying personal life. For example, an old couple might be wishing to have their son to be with them always yet the son has a family and friends to attend.

How does your Christian faith inform your views on this issue?
Christian faith always emphasizes that life is sacred and should not be ended1. It is believed that all human beings were created by God, and he had individual plans for every life of a human being1. It is only God who gave a life and should end it at his own time. Christians believe that death should take place at the right time and the right time is Gods time, so there is a time of death which is inevitable.

How can we pay for human longevity?
The only way human longevity can be achieved is by trying to share the resources available and wealth equally among the society members2. The government cannot do this through legislation. Each and every individual realize their potential. The realization of every person potential and ability and ensure that physiological and technological improvements take place equally. It is the one of the prices we can pay to achieve the human longevity.

Human longevity can be achieved by nations if citizens of the country observe the laws set. The citizens should not end their lives and other citizen’s lives. The ‘technophysio’ evolution taking place can assist the human longevity as better medication methods are invented. Additionally, better ways of production are improvised, and hence human population can be supported.

  • Mayled J, Ahluwalia L. Philosophy & Ethics for OCR GCSE Religious Studies. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes; 2003.
  • Wicks E. The Right to Life and Conflicting Interests. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2010.
  • St. N, -Stevas J. Life, Death and the Law: Law and Christian Morals in England and the United States. 5th ed. Beard Books; 2002.

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