
A Web-Based Business For A Woman Entrepreneur

698 words | 3 page(s)

For a woman who wants to start a web-based business, there are two important aspects. The first is to have a viable business idea and model, and the second is to have the tools and capacity to implement this idea using a web based delivery. In some cases it is very easy to use existing websites and supports to do this, as there are many sites such as eBay which provide the software that will be needed to ensure sales. In other cases, this woman will need to determine what those software needs are, and to choose from among many options, then implement that software to support the business.

There are legal, financial, and other resources available which can be found on the US Small Business Administration (SBA) website, including the Women’s Business Center which is a national network of resource centers which can provide customized help for the jurisdiction and location where the woman resides (“Women’s Business Centers”, SBA, n.d.). Start-up costs are often less for a web-based business as there is no need to rent space or other “brick and mortar” aspects of a traditional business. This can be an advantage in terms of acquiring the startup capital which is needed. As with any business, a strong business plan will be needed in order to access small business loans, including many intended just for women business owners.

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There are many advantages as well as disadvantages of starting a web-based business as a woman. Women owned web-based entrepreneurship is increasingly rapidly, in part because it can help to avoid the problem of pay discrimination and it can aid women who have family responsibilities to be more flexible in their approach to business (Terjesen & Elam, 2012). It can also be a lonely option which requires the same amount time, effort and investment as a non-web based business, regardless of the gender of the entrepreneur.

A home-based business for a veteran
Financial help is available to veterans through a special program of the US Small Business Administration, but accessing these supports will require a business model and idea which offers value and a competitive edge, as well as a thorough business plan that explains the need for this business in the market and the potential for profits and growth.

There are a number of legal requirements for starting a business, including registration of that business, laws with regard to record keeping, intellectual property and marketing. As a home based business this veteran may not need to worry initially about laws and regulations with regard to hiring and maintaining employees, however as the business grows it may be necessary for the veteran to become familiar with these requirements as well. An overview of many of these areas can be found on the SBA “Starting and Managing” (n.d.) website. The most important legal aspects as the veteran gets started will be the need to understand local, state and federal laws with regard to business permits and registration. The veteran will need to research the needs at each level and compile a list of tasks that need to be completed in order to have a legal venture. This will also require choosing from a number of formats for the business, such as whether to incorporate, have a sole proprietorship or whether to form a partnership for the home based business. The veteran may be pleased to discover that there are many expenses in the home that will be expenditures for tax purposes, including the cost of maintaining the space in the home which is used for the business.

There are advantages and disadvantages of starting a home-based business, whether one is a veteran or not. This can include the distraction of home life while trying to conduct business as well as a lack of networking opportunity. On the other hand, there can be considerable cost savings and advantages in flexibility with running a business from home.

  • Terjesen, S., & Elam, A. (2012, April). Women entrepreneurship: A force for growth. In International Trade Forum (No. 2, p. 16). International Trade Centre.
  • US Small Business Administration (SBA). (n.d.). “Starting and Managing”. Retrieved from: https://www.sba.gov/ (SBA). (n.d.). “Women’s Business Centers”.

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