
American Quillow Creations

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The Launch phase for American Quillow Creations will take about 3 months. They company must produce quilts that double as pillows and bags, creating an inventory of quantity and styles for their market.

The Growth phase will span six to nine months, possibly twelve depending on the time of year. The product is durable and long-lasting, making it fit for use with babies or toddlers. In addition to children, the Quillow may also attract adults of all ages. Thus, it will market will during holiday seasons. Also, simpler Quillows with solid colors and size and less-complex designs will appeal to those on a tighter budget, making the growth phase expand quickly.

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The Maturity phase will last years or decades. If the Quillow establishes a solid customer base and market presence, I estimate into the decades. Based on external factors, it would only last for a matter of years if the product proves to be a fad.

Based on the trend of fads, the Decline phase would probably be rapid. Faddish, collectable, hand-made products can spark popularity quickly but also decline in fashion just as rapidly. However, the functional side of the Quillow may keep it from entering the decline phase altogether.

We must develop an Exit Strategy, in case the Quillow fails to sell, and the growth period shifts into a continued phase of decline, the company will cease production and all investors notified. Remaining product will be liquidated at a sale price in the stores and the company will evaluate future action.

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