
An Argument for Artificial Intelligence

934 words | 4 page(s)

Artificial intelligence, or A.I., refers to computer technology being capable of independent thought. This is a controversial topic because the idea of computers thinking for themselves has many significant implications, such as computers, rather than humans, making key decisions that affect human life. There is also the potential for artificial intelligence to be weaponized, or the concept that artificial intelligence, once it has become sufficiently capable, will not allow itself to be controlled by humans (Hawking 1).

However, artificial intelligence has many benefits as well, including the potential to make many breakthroughs in medical science; the ability to perform jobs and functions that humans are not capable of doing, such as extended space-flight missions; and the potential to utterly transform our world for the better, such as understanding new ways to create resources and ways to deal with potential challenges to our future such as climate change. Although artificial intelligence does have potential downsides, artificial intelligence should continue to be developed because it can help us achieve many technological breakthroughs, such as in medical science and energy resources, that might not be possible without it.

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In order to argue for artificial intelligence, one should first examine the arguments against its development to better understand why these arguments are not valid. The first concept common in many science fiction works is that artificial intelligence creates ethical concerns about the treatment of artificially intelligent creations, such as might exist one day in androids or robots (Bostrom 279). Often, science fiction will show a future where androids are inevitably enslaved by humans, and that sentient machines are basically abused, despite their wishes against it. Although this is a popular argument as to why artificial intelligence should not be created, as it will create a marginalized group in society that is abused, these ethical issues remain in the realm of science fiction. Artificial intelligence is computer technology that is capable of making its own decisions, but even these decisions would be according to their programming (Bostrom 280). Artificial intelligence is not alive; it does not have emotions or even ethics that exist outside of its programming. It can simulate the appearance of emotion, but this is not true emotion itself. Thus, the concept that artificial intelligence can one day be considered to be living is a myth perpetuated by science fiction.

A second argument against artificial intelligence that can be refuted is that A.I. can be weaponized, and therefore its development should not be encouraged. The fact that A.I. can be turned into a weapon is true, and this can take many forms, from robotic soldiers to computer malware that can seek exploits and is capable of learning on its own. However, the best way to deal with this threat would be to develop artificial intelligence that is capable of combating these potential threats. Even if the development of artificial intelligence was outlawed in the United States, Europe, and even the entirety of the United Nations, this would not solve the emerging problem. Artificial intelligence has already advanced to the point where it can be developed by nearly anyone. Outlawing its development would not stop its development; A.I. weapons will be created in secret by rogue nations or even independent groups, and if we do not allow this technology to be developed, it can create significant threats in the future because we will not be prepared to deal with these threats. If a hostile nation develops nuclear weapons, the solution is not to outlaw nuclear weapons. Instead, the solution to preventing against this threat is to build a proper defense if possible, and if not possible, to at least build similar technology that can present a counter-threat. While ideally nuclear technology would never have been discovered, the fact is that it does exist, and the best way to deal with this threat is to understand it as much as possible. The same can be said for artificial intelligence: the potential already exists and therefore we should explore this technology, if for no other reason than to protect ourselves from the threat it might create. We cannot stop the development of this technology simply by making it illegal to pursue.

With these potential challenges resolved, the best argument for the development of artificial intelligence are the numerous beneficial applications of its use. First, artificial intelligence creates new possibilities in medical science. Artificial intelligence will be able to instantly process all the medical data that exists currently, and because it is capable of learning on its own, it will be able to see patterns and theorize new medicines in ways that humans might not have considered. Outside of medical advancements, artificial intelligence will be able to perform many capabilities that humans cannot (Fox and Das, 27). Artificially intelligent firefighters, for instance, can enter burning buildings. Robotic defenses can be created to perform military functions if necessary, without the need to send human troops. In regard to space exploration, these missions can be conducted by artificial intelligence that is capable of making decisions without having to be constantly directed (Fox and Das, 40). Nearly every industry will benefit. Although certain jobs, such as judges and counselors who need to empathize with their patients will not be suitable for A.I., there are numerous applications for its use in ways that are both positive and meaningful. Many of the arguments against A.I. are based on science fiction myths and unfounded fears. Artificial intelligence is simply a tool that can be used for the benefit of all humanity, we should accept its inevitable development and continue to guide it in a responsible manner.

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