
You Want Fries With That? Article Summary

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In the article ‘You want Fries with that?’ Richard Daynard tries to compare the challenges facing the industrial manufacture of cigarettes to the fast food industry. According to Daynard, the tobacco industry is one of the endeavors that has reduced the quality of life. The effects of the industrial production of tobacco on the health of human beings is identical to the effect of fast foods. Daynard illustrates that the production of tobacco is a deceptive act that is worth the numerous lawsuits that are affecting the industry. The author is exploring the possibility of engaging the fast-food industries in similar lawsuits.

Cigarette smoking is one of the behaviors that has led to the emergence of a crisis in the public health sector. Smoking of tobacco is associated with numerous medical conditions. The most common complications include cancer. The smoke also is one of the biggest contributors to malfunctioning of body organs like the liver, heart and kidney thus leading to the formation of chronic medical conditions. The lawsuits directed to the cigarette industries have generated a lot of positive responses. In some cases, the companies have been forced to compensate the people who are suffering various severe medical condition as a result of the smoking. These compensations come after fines in court battles with various health agencies.

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Daynard contends that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of obese cases in the world. The increased number is attributed to the changes that are experienced in the lifestyles of people across the world. The fast food industry is also one of the major contributors to the state of events in the world today. Obesity is very dangerous to human health. The increased level of cholesterol in the body has led to numerous health challenges as the development of heart problems. These chronic conditions require a lot of financial inputs and can lead to death. Therefore, Daynard notes that some lawsuits have been filed against the fast-food industries. Daynard also notes that the lawsuits are expected to gain pace with the current state of events just like in the cigarette industry.

Critical Thinking Question Responses
Litigation is one of the technical strategies that can be used in eliminating the prevalence of fast foods in the society today. If the price of the junk food is increased as a result of the lawsuits and the price of healthy foods reduced, people will be encouraged to feed on the nutritious foodstuffs. Apparently, junk food is very dominant in the food markets today. The price of these food substances is lower than the prices of the natural foodstuffs thus encouraging people to go for the modified food. Therefore, Daynard’s proposal is one of the most practical and realistic ways through which the prevalence of obesity can be controlled and mitigated in the United States and across the world.

Suing fast food companies is a very good idea towards improving the quality of life of the people because;

It will encourage the intake of healthy and nutritious foodstuffs because the litigation that will result from the lawsuit will increase the prices of fast foods thus discouraging people.
It will lead to a significant reduction of the obesity and overweight conditions
The suits are likely to reduce the prevalence of the chronic medical conditions like heart problems and diabetes thus increasing the quality of life.
Lawsuits against these companies are likely to compel them to increase the quality of their foodstuffs through keeping the health of the consumers in mind.
The lawsuits can assist in raising funds that can be used in improving the health condition of the victims through compensations

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