
Steps Involved in Discovering a Kitchen Emergency for a Disabled Person

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Kitchen fires can be scary enough for individuals who are physically able to move around without the need of assistive devices such as a wheelchair, but this problem can be scarier for someone who depends on assistive devices to get around. For example, a person who is wheelchair bound can have difficulty putting out a small fire in the kitchen and calling for help. In order for the person to feel comfortable enough to live independently, there are several issues that can be addressed to make sure this situation can be resolved effectively. Following are some of the issues and possible resolutions that can be used.

Can tools such as fire extinguishers be placed at a level where a wheelchair bound person can easily reach and operate them? Yes they can. Many local fire departments have programs where a fireman can come to a home and make recommendations regarding how many fire extinguishers should be in the home and where to place them so they are easily accessible by anyone. The fireman can also teach the residents in the home who are old enough how to operate the fire extinguishers. Bear in mind that local laws usually require fire extinguishers to be inspected once every twelve months.

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What about smoke alarms? Should one be placed in the kitchen, or does the oven range suffice to help alert and clear out smoke? Along with fire extinguishers, smoke alarms can literally save lives. Typically there should be one smoke alarm per room in the home, which should have regular maintenance checks. The overhead oven range can help to control smoke in the kitchen, but it does not replace smoke alarms or common sense.

How can communication happen during an emergency situation such as a kitchen fire? 911 can be a person’s best friend. It is a good idea to have your cell phone close by in case of an emergency. Even if the kitchen fire is small, it is still a good idea to call and have the fire department come out to help. One never knows what can be missed, and the fire department is qualified to resolve any lingering issues that could possibly reignite the fire without warning.

What happens if people need to exit the home immediately? There should be a plan in place where the wheelchair bound person can exit the home immediately in case of a major fire. While a kitchen fire is usually minor if caught in time, it is always a good idea to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Sometimes there are only seconds to accomplish this, so it is advisable that an evacuation plan with at least two methods of exit is planned out and practiced.

In summary, there are many considerations that have to be factored in when assisting a disabled person with solving the problem of kitchen fires. Even though this problem is difficult enough for those who are physically healthy, but it can be difficult for those who use assistive devices to get around. This physical limitation can unfortunately limit what some people can do, but with a little planning and forethought any problem can be easily resolved.

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