
Ancient Migration

388 words | 2 page(s)

Indian continent could be regarded as ‘mother India’ as it was the cradle for a huge part of non-African population of the Earth, as over seventy thousands years ago people walked out of the African continent through Arabian territories to find the Indian sub-continent. The land welcoming the first Indians was fruitful, productive, and abundant.

Ancient migration to the Indian sub-continent continued for centuries, and all human non-African population can trace ancestors to those Indians. Ancient Indian traditions are still passed from father to son within the local Indian tribes, for example, mantras that are passed on through generations orally. Historical experience of previous generations is passed on genetically, as in some people DNA markers of first Indians can still be found. Commonly, the periods of ancient migration into Indian sub-continent are classified by the 1500-1000 BC Aryan invasion (the Indo-European tribes) to be the first of many outside invasions from the West, for example, Greeks, Portuguese, British, Scythians, and Arabs, etc. Each of invaders brought their own gods to worship, innovations to adopt, languages and cultures to absorb or to adjust to, etc., for example, horses, iron, cattle breeding, Latin, Sanskrit, etc. The Indo-Europeans introduced Indians to urban way of living, by changing nomad and tribal living to civil and sophisticated mutual coexistence. The Indian civilization has evolved through the centuries resulting in a mixture and adaptation of different cultures, religions, and systems of beliefs. Currently, it is one of the best examples of diversity and rapidly developing democracy in global terms. Changes and effects of different languages and cultures did not have significant impact over Indian genes, as initially, they followed tradition of marriages between the first cousins in order to preserve the original Indian gene.

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To conclude, ancient migration to the Indian sub-continent was caused by the desire for better living on the abundant lands. As the first Indians formed their civilizations, they were invaded by the Indo-European tribes (the Aryans), and later on with the Scythians, Arabs, British, and Portuguese, etc. Each of them affected the Indian civilization, its way of living and development, making it evolve and progress through adoption and adjustment of unfamiliar cultures, new systems of beliefs, innovations in technologies and agriculture, language development, etc. continuing evolution did not prevent Indians from preservation of their initial genetic code and cultural heritage.

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