
Apple iWatch: Integrated Marketing Communications

581 words | 2 page(s)

As the world’s second largest Information Technology company, Apple has succeeded in creating a powerful brand image that is commonly associated with high performance, efficiency, beauty, simplicity and sleek design (Lundahl, 2012). At the same time, the company’s innovative approach to technology and marketing has given rise to what many define as a religion, wherein Apple products are worshipped by consumers all over the world. While the results achieved by Apple are remarkable, its fame and glory have created significantly high expectations. Therefore, it is crucial that the Apple IWatch should be promoted in such a way to exceed such expectations and ensure that it conveys innovation, whilst remaining consistent with Apple’s previous product releases. In view of these considerations, Integrated Marketing Communication (also referred to as IMC) would certainly assist Apple in achieving its strategic objectives. This is because IMC adopts a research-based, consumer-centered, result-focused approach to communication, thanks to which organizations find it easier to position their brand in such a way to achieve consistency, short-term profitability and long-term brand awareness, as well as brand equity (Ang, 2014, pp.4-5). Therefore, considering the marketing strategy that Apple has been using to enhance its brand awareness, it is suggested that the IWatch is promoted through an IMC plan that conveys a simple and yet concise message. In order to ensure that such message is consistent with Apple’s overall corporate strategy and brand image, all forms of communication should revolve around the company ability to create products that make advanced technology simple, convenient and beautiful.

Marketing communications objectives
1. Creating awareness by presenting the Apple iWatch as the ultimate smart watch – simpler, sleeker and better than any other alternative.
2. Encouraging consumers to purchase the Apple iWatch

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Promotion mix
In order to achieve the aforementioned marketing communication objectives, the company will rely on the following marketing channels:
1. A TV commercial that presents the iWatch as an iconic watch and emphasizes its most innovative features and functional benefits whilst illustrating how it can be easily integrated into consumers’ lifestyle. Since Apple’s products are widely considered to be the most technologically advancing ones available, it is crucial that the iWatch should be presented as the most powerful and yet the simplest smart watch on the market.
2. In order to encourage consumers to purchase the iWatch, a promotional sale could be launched. Specifically, following its release, all those who buy an iWatch from the Apple website within a month will receive a $50 iTunes Gift Card for free.

Message and media strategy
The iWatch campaign will be centered around the innovative features of the product being promoted. The iWatch will be presented as a powerful, highly technological, lifestyle product that combines innovation and sleek design. People who already possess Apple products represent the main target market for the iWatch campaign. Banners advertising the aforementioned promotional sale will be placed on the Apple website, as well as on the home pages of Apple’s top distributors (including Amazon). Finally, an event titled “Embrace a smarter world – where watches do much more than just keeping the time” will be held in California. People will be able to book their free ticket online and the event will represent an opportunity to introduce the iWatch and show how it can be adapted to consumers’ diverse needs.

  • Ang, L. (2014). Integrated Marketing Communications: A focus on new technologies and advanced theories. Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press
  • Lundahl, D. (2012). Breakthrough Food Product Innovation Through Emotions Research. London, UK: Academic Press

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