
Asthma Proposed Solution

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Asthma Proposed Solution: The Use of Telemedicine Access to Schools to Help Asthmatic Kids

1. Setting
The solution will be implemented in a school where children with asthma will be assessed. In this setting, various individuals will be involved in the execution of the solution. Teachers, parents, and children will participate. Notably, kids will be central to the activity because they are the ones upon which the program will be implemented. It is important to state that consent will be sought from the school management, and the administration will also inform their parent regarding their kid’s participation.

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2. Time required to implement the project
It is important to say that adequate time will be required to complete this project based on the fact that procedure will be followed to ensure that all activities are conducted in the right way. In fact, the whole program is expected to take 32 weeks. Within the first week, I will write a letter to the institution to inform them of the intended project, and I am expecting that they will acknowledge my request and response immediately. The planning is supposed to take a week. It is anticipated that implementation will take another week.

3. The resources
Diverse resources will be required to implement the project. First, infrastructure, such as rooms, chairs, as well as others should be available within the institution. Teachers and nurses will play a crucial role in the plan. Since this is an activity in which physician’s role is central, McConnochie, Ronis, Wood and Ng (2015) argue that they should act as guides during the process. Additionally, huge sums of money will be needed to facilitate the implementation of the program. Some of the resources are telemedicine equipment, such as room camera, patient camera, monitor, communication equipment, software, interactive video conferencing, digital stethoscope, among others.

4. Methods and Instruments
To oversee the progress of the implementation of the project, the questionnaires will be used to collect data concerning the effects of the program on kids. Besides, a smartphone that is integrated with features that keep patients in their places longer will be employed (Nouhi, Fayaz-Bakhsh, Mohamadi & Shafii, 2012). Additionally, electronic communiqué devices that link providers who operate in isolated areas will be used.

5. The process of Delivering
Regarding how the solution will be delivered, parents, teachers, as well as nurses will be involved. First, the expert in charge, who, in this case, is the nurse, will train teachers on how to handle asthmatic students. The nurse will demonstrate with a few cases and then leave the tutors to implement the program as suggested RHIhub (2016). The progress will be monitored using electronic devices as well as smartphones as mentioned above.

6. Data Collection Plan
Data will be collected using various methods, such as surveys and interviews. To manage them, the institution will be required to store it because it is the one that will be responsible for implementing the program using the data. However, nurse expert will also access the data. Data collection tools that will be required are the questionnaires. Data analysis will be explained by comparing outcomes between baseline and week 8, and baseline and week 32.

7. Strategies to Deal with Barriers and Challenges
According to Mars (2013), when implementing projects, barriers and challenges are inevitable. In this view, various problems will be tackled using diverse strategies. For example, the ones that concern with resources will be addressed by ensuring that adequate funds are sources before the project begins. Barriers relating to language barrier will be handled by involving interpreters who should come from among the teachers. Additionally, training will be offered to equip teachers with the relevant knowledge.

8. Feasibility of Implementing the Program
Concerning the feasibility of the project, all eligible kids were screened within six months. The cost of personnel, consumable supplies, and equipment that were not available in the institution were expensive to purchase. In fact, the total cost was approximated to be $56,000. This is inclusive of computer related cost. Other expenses were estimated to be $5600.

9. Plans to Maintain, Extend, and Discontinue it after Implementation
Although it is anticipated that the program will be successful, various plans will be put in place to maintain, extend, revise, and discontinue it after implementation. To maintain it, teachers will keep in touch with the nurse expert and will be interacting to find out whether it is helpful to the students. The extension will be based on the needs of other learners who will not be involved in the initial project. If the project is not useful, it will be revised using data collected from the kids. However, if it ultimately fails, it will be discontinued, and another one will be developed and implemented.

  • Mars, M. (2013). Telemedicine and advances in urban and rural healthcare delivery in Africa. Progress in cardiovascular diseases, 56(3), 326-335.
  • McConnochie, K. M., Ronis, S. D., Wood, N. E., & Ng, P. K. (2015). Effectiveness and safety of acute care telemedicine for children with regular and special healthcare needs. Telemedicine and e-Health, 21(8), 611-621.
  • Nouhi, M., Fayaz-Bakhsh, A., Mohamadi, E., & Shafii, M. (2012). Telemedicine and its potential impacts on reducing inequalities in access to health manpower. Telemedicine and e-Health, 18(8), 648-653.
  • RHIhub, (2016). Telehealth uses in rural healthcare. Retrieved from https://www.ruralhealthinfo.org

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