
Balancing Sex Offender Treatment with Community Risk

337 words | 2 page(s)

The risk-need-responsibility model (RNR) is perceived to be the premier that is employed in on facilitating offender treatment and assessment. The framework reiterates that the justice agencies should integrate their programs with the need and risk factors (Taxman, Thanner & Weisburd, 2006). Under this model, the risk, need and responsibility principles should be critical constructs of the correctional strategies and interventions. On the other hand, the Good Lives Model (GLM) is based on the strengths associated with the correctional interventions (Purvis, 2011). The GLM model complements that RNR model through its underlying framework that enhances the use of the correctional initiatives to focus on the development of meaningful life plans for the clients. These plans should be incompatible with future offending.

The two models are very effective in enhancing both the welfare of the society and the client. Once the offenders are jailed and allowed not to suit into the suit, it means that the danger they present to the public is reduced. The models are strategically formulated to assist the offender to acquire social values and cultures that can make them suitable members of the society. These models engage them in order to acquire the ideal standards and moral protocols that are acceptable in the society while addressing their personal values. On the other hand, these model assist the offender because they assist them to gradually change their behavior and adopt the values that can enhance the quality of their lives and earn their freedom.

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In the process of choosing the most appropriate model, the forensic officers should consider various moral issues. The ethical standards that govern humanity should also be considered. This include considering the emotional and expectations of the offender. The forensic officer should also be keen to uphold the integrity to humanity through embracing a model that can ensure the offender fully transforms the way of life. The RNR model is the most appropriate in this case (Taxman, Thanner & Weisburd, 2006). This model can ensure that the offender rehabilitation process meets the ethical expectations of the offender.

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