
Harassment Essay Examples

The Invisible War contains interviews of rape victims regarding the issue of sexual assault in the United States military. This inspiring documentary reveals one of the nation’s best kept secrets: the severity and magnitude of sex crimes committed throughout the U.S. Armed Forces. The film also discusses the process of...

896 words | 3 page(s)

Sex offenders in Pasadena, Calif. are obligated by law to register as sex offenders with a local law enforcement agency. The laws for the local area are under the jurisdiction of the state’s government. The California Sex and Arson Registry is the state’s hub for sex offender information and is...

633 words | 3 page(s)

In 1968, a woman such as Molly who received unwanted sexual attention at the workplace had few options to address the situation. After 1964, she would have been able to point to Public Low 88-352, Section 703 which makes it unlawful for an employer to “fail or refuse to hire...

721 words | 3 page(s)

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The risk-need-responsibility model (RNR) is perceived to be the premier that is employed in on facilitating offender treatment and assessment. The framework reiterates that the justice agencies should integrate their programs with the need and risk factors (Taxman, Thanner & Weisburd, 2006). Under this model, the risk, need and responsibility...

337 words | 2 page(s)

Yes, there shall be a Weinstein effect. Cook and Simons resonate that there shall be a Weinstein effect because various influential men have lost their job positions. In this case, the authors presume that there shall be a Weinstein effect because the loss of jobs may cause some men to...

654 words | 3 page(s)

The term 'Weinstein Effect' describes the current situation in the US. Allegations of sexual harassment and assault enacted by celebrities in the past are exposed to media daily. Women had kept their sexual assault horror stories, and indecent exposures from celebrities and powerful men a secret. Some were scared all...

690 words | 3 page(s)

“Weinstein Effect' goes global as powerful men confronted” exposed reactions from different countries. In this article, Aron explains that the same effect swept Israel where a Journalist revealed that a media tycoon had sexually assaulted her after a job interview 25 years earlier. The mogul tried to deny, but three...

446 words | 2 page(s)

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in the workplace on the basis of color, race, religion, gender or national origin (U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission). The law cover all races, including white, and both genders. Thus, it is possible for a white male to sue, and...

432 words | 2 page(s)

The motivation levels of the company’s employees may be a decisive factor that determines the company’s performance and should thus be paid attention to. Part of maintaining the sufficient levels of employee motivation is the recognition and prompt correction of any demotivating factors that might hold everyone back. Among common...

346 words | 2 page(s)

Introduction Sexual harassment at the workplace is a recurring challenge across the globe with different organizations coming up with varying measures of intervention to deal with the implications of such a problem. In the contemporary marketplace, organizations are responding to this topic either proactively or reactively to the salient situation,...

675 words | 3 page(s)

Abuse in the workplace takes many forms. Workplace abuse is subtler than the blatant abuse that one was exposed to in the schoolyard by childhood bullies (Comaford, 2016). Abuse in the workplace is strategic, psychological, and results from relationship power struggles. An example of workplace abuse that is prompted by...

994 words | 4 page(s)

This research will focus on a significant problem of modern time: Increasing life expectancy: benefits and negative aspects in employing aging workers. The skills of effective employment and management about the aging population become exceptionally demanded in the labor market. The trend stems from the growing life expectancy. The increasing...

779 words | 3 page(s)

The given essay takes a close look at the article by Macqueen et al. (2007) called “Dealing with the Stressed,” which discusses the downsides of stress in a working environment. First of all, the paper summarizes the article, bringing forth some of its key arguments. Following this, the author analyzes...

993 words | 4 page(s)

Introduction Workplace violence is not isolated to specific industries or locations, but it can happen in any work setting. However, some industrial workplaces are more susceptible to workplace violence, especially retail outlets, and healthcare establishments. Consequently, the news media are rife with accounts of acts of violence, documenting violent workplace...

962 words | 4 page(s)

I would like to actuate my fellow colleagues to totally ban workplace violence. Workplace violence should be opposed because violence leads to a number of damages and other negative consequences to the organization. Work violence reflects a negative image to both fellow staffs, management, and customers. Therefore, it should not...

781 words | 3 page(s)

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] website, workplace violence falls into four separate categories: Type I- Crimes committed against an employee by someone not connected to the workplace; Type II- Crimes committed against an employee by a client, student, inmate, etc. (basically anyone to whom the workplace provides...

486 words | 2 page(s)

Introduction In many workplace environments, there is a significant risk of substance abuse, due to personal circumstances, the nature of the work that is performed, the working conditions that exist, and other factors. These concerns demonstrate a necessity to develop a greater focus on the identification of substance abuse in...

1184 words | 4 page(s)

The workplace is a social avenue that gives people an opportunity to interact with others from different racial, ethnic, religious, and political groups. As a result, the workplace faces a great deal of issues ranging from interpersonal to organizational management problems. Among the most pestering issues that face many organizations...

937 words | 4 page(s)

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious issue. Not only can it make people feel uncomfortable and upset, but it is against the law, and can be very costly to businesses and workers, both financially and personally. There are two primary definitions of sexual harassment: Quid Pro Quo and...

326 words | 2 page(s)

Sexual harassment is defined as “conduct of a sexual matter, which is unwelcome to its recipient, which results in feelings of humiliation, embarrassment or intimidated” (McCann, 2005 in Cogin & Fish, 2009, p.16). This paper describes a case of sexual harassment in the author’s workplace and analyzes its impact as...

985 words | 4 page(s)

Within a company setting, when reports of harassment are on the rise, it may become necessary to require additional mandatory training in the areas of sexual harassment and diversity training to ensure that employees are aware of all legal compliance requirements (Kath & Magley, 2014; Kirton & Greene, 2016). In...

370 words | 2 page(s)

Bullying is not new. According to researchers Gina Vega and Debra Comer, bullying is no new phenomena, rather it is old as time itself and should therefore, be considered part and parcel of the human condition (Vega & Comer, 2005). As many recent news reports would indicate and support, bullying...

1181 words | 4 page(s)

Sexual harassment can be defined as unwelcome physical, visual, or verbal behavior that is sexual in its nature (Cates, 2012). This problem is prominent all over the world, but is particularly severe in Egypt, where 99.3 percent of women are believed to have been victims of it at some point...

1160 words | 4 page(s)

Sexual harassment describes the acts that portray unwelcome sexual advances towards men and women who are not willing to be involved in the sexual activity. Most of the victims of sexual harassment are women. In this regard, the propagators of sexual harassment can be involved in using a sexually inappropriate...

1254 words | 5 page(s)

Introduction Problem: Organizations have the responsibility to create and establish an environment that is free from any sort of harassment. One of the most common forms of harassment in the workplace is sexual harassment (EEOC, n.d.). Sexual harassment has an immense impact on the productivity and output of the employees...

1391 words | 5 page(s)

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