
Benefits of Computer Technology

946 words | 4 page(s)

The economic and social progress in America over the last few decades has been impressive by any standard, and advances in computer technologies have played an important role in it. It is almost impossible to find an area of our personal and professional lives that has not been influenced by computer technologies. While there have been certain adverse effects of advances in computer technologies, the benefits far surpass the costs. The benefits of computer technologies are so widespread it is reasonable to assume that the role of computer technologies will continue to expand in the foreseeable future.

The computer technologies have helped businesses become more efficient and profitable. Computer technologies enable businesses to communicate with customers quickly. They can convey important information to the customers in a cheap and convenient manner such as the tracking status of a shipment. Effective communication processes improve the relationship between the businesses and their customers. Similarly, computer technologies enable businesses to make other aspects of their operations more efficient. These include a better understanding of different business processes, more efficient inventory management, and better communication between the leadership and the subordinates. The computer technologies also improve teamwork by enabling team members in different geographical locations to coordinate their activities. The businesses also use computer technologies to store their data more conveniently and securely, and the data is convenient to access from a diverse range of locations. The computer technologies also aid with research activities that are crucial to making better decisions . The computer technologies have, particularly, been a blessing for new and small businesses with limited resources, as they allow them to compete more effectively with bigger and more established rivals. For example, small businesses can market through the social media on a much smaller budget than what would be required to market through traditional marketing channels such as TV and print media. The smaller businesses can also expand their market reach beyond the national borders without establishing physical presence in international markets. It is clear that the computer technologies have helped both large companies and small businesses to become better at their daily operations.

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One cannot overstate the importance of education to the economic and social progress of a country. Fortunately, the computer technologies have also yielded numerous benefits in the education sector. First of all, computer technologies have expanded the access to education. The information is at the fingertips of the citizens. The citizens can also take courses online from the convenience of their home or from anywhere as long as they have access to internet-enabled device. The computer technologies have improved the collaboration among the students. They can share documents and information online, and they even interact with students in other geographical areas. Similarly, the computer technologies enable students to interact with professionals who are conducting research in faraway places. The teachers have also emrbaced the computer technologies in their instruction methods. The teachers now deliver materials in new forms such as online videos. They also encourage students to take a greater charge of their learning by honing their research skills . The computer technologies have made learning easier, convenient, more engaging, and more productive.

When we look around, we cannot escape the fact that life today is almost unimaginable without the computer technologies. The mobile communication devices in our hands could be understood as portable computers that we use for a variety of tasks including communication, performing professional tasks, and meeting information needs. The computer technologies also allow us to respond better to tragedies including natural catastrophes .

We use computer technologies to perform many tasks that we used to do in a different manner not long ago. We use our mobile phones to pay bills and fines, find directions to places, and even brainstorm ideas for recreational activities including vacations. We use computer technologies to expand our social network and have discussions with people with similar interests. The computer technologies are now being used to access and deliver healthcare services in many regions of the world with poor healthcare infrastructure. The computer technologies have also been a blessing for people with disabilities, enabling them to do things they could not do before such as hearing for the first time or communicating through text messages . The promise of computer technologies is almost infinite and there is no doubt that they will become even more important part of our lives down the road.

The computer technologies have impacted almost every aspect of our personal and professional lives. They help businesses become more efficient and profitable. The businesses have better communication relationship with customers which enhance customer loyalty. The computer technologies also enable small businesses to compete with bigger rivals more effectively. The computer technologies have also shaped the education sector in a positive manner. The information is at the fingertips of the citizens. The working relationship among the students has improved and they are also able to interact with professionals and other students in distant places. The influence of computer technologies is everywhere around us. We use them to meet information needs and find directions. People in countries with poor health infrastructure use computer technologies to access valuable information. The people with disabilities have also benefitted from advances in computer technologies as some are able to communicate in ways that was not possible before. It is clear that the role of computer technologies will continue to expand in our societies in the foreseeable future.

  • Kendrick, James. Mobile technology: The amazing impact on our lives. 30 April 2013. 16 March 2018 http://www.zdnet.com
  • Oklahoma Small Business Development Center. Why is technology important in business? 16 March 2018 https://www.oksbdc.org
  • Purdue University. How Has Technology Changed Education? 16 March 2018 https://www.oksbdc.org

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