
Benefits of X-Radiation Waves

401 words | 2 page(s)

X-ray are classified and outlined as an electromagnetic type of waves. They transmit high energy hence can pass through molecular substance. As a result, the energy makes them critical especially when it comes to medical applicability. More importantly, the waves find high usability in industrial processes especially in packaging of manufactured goods.

In hospitals, Doctors, physicians and other medical professionals relied on X-rays beam to have a clear view of the internal organs of the patients (Ross & Stefan C. Müller, 1988). The penetration of the X-ray beams is limited to soft tissues thus cannot penetrate hard matters such as bones. They are mainly directed by X-ray beams machine through the body of the patients to the film. White patches are left on point that the Rays strike the bone along the ways. In most cases, the patients may ingest barium meal (liquid barium sulphate) which is essential as it absorbs the X-rays thus improving the clarity of the internal body organs during the X-ray procedures.

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Three examples of energy
There are two main type of energy that exist in the scientific world: kinetic and potential energy. Nonetheless, the two can be expounded further into various energy sub-groups. Sound energy is an example of sub—group in the broad category of kinetic energy (Sunamura, 1975). Sound emanated from constant vibration of stuff. The constant vibration resulting in vibration of the surrounding solid of fluid particles as the sound travels through the medium. Sound energy is essential as it helps in the transmission of radio waves with the aid of electronic energy.

Electromagnetic energy may take a form of visible light or invisible light patterns. This type of energy is stronger as it can travel through vacuum media as it is the case with light from the sun. The light energy is important as it helps in the growth of plants through photosynthesis.

Elastic energy can be stored in compressed fluids and coiled springs. The elastic energy is necessary as it helps in the absorption of an external shock especially in automobiles.

  • Ross, J., & Stefan C. Müller. (1988). Chemical Waves. Science, New Series, 460-465 .
  • Sunamura, T. (1975). Mostly, there are two type of energy that exist on the scientific world: kinetic and potential energy. Nonetheless, the two can be expounded further into various energy sub-groups. Sound energy is an example of sub—group in the broad category of kinetic. The Journal of Geology, 389-397 .

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