
BMW Corporate Culture

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Every company has its distinct corporate culture. This concept encompasses values, beliefs and attitudes that show the actual pillars of the business performance and preferences of the organization. BMW Group is believed to have strong corporate culture. The organization is featured with a strong commitment of the managers and its staff to the company culture. The company’s culture remains almost stable and unique over the last 30 years. It states as follows:

“Their innovations and unique products can only be treated in an exceptional corporate culture. We actively faster and cultivate this unique culture, because one can only build sustainable success on strong cultural foundations.” (BMW, 2017)

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In hiring of new employees, the company is looking for potential contribution of the person to the promotion of the corporate values and principles. In particular, the company attempts to hire employees which may show team spirit and interest in creativity, innovation. A desire to produce something distinct and extraordinary is regarded as competitive advantage of the candidate when passing recruitment selection. The managers of the company respects ability of an employee to work as part of the team. There is an assumption that sense of team spirit allows to make outstanding products. Hence, BMW Group treats every individual with relevant respect in order to develop sense of unity. The managers show that working as a team is a path to the prosperous future of the company.

Apart from the reliance on team work and innovation as quite essential elements of the corporate culture, BMW Group stand to equality in opportunities and rights. This implies that with promotion of team work, BMW managers are eager to remove any exposure to prejudicial or biased attitude. From this perspective, BMW managers show that racial background of the person, its religion or gender is not important for appointment of the employee. In turn, it attempts to prove that promotion depends on the qualifications of the person, his experience and contribution to the corporate performance. In the meantime, it should be noted that BMW Group has stable beliefs that feature unique nature of the culture of the company. These beliefs may be regarded as cornerstones of corporate culture of the company. They are:

• Employees. Staff of the company is the most important resources and driving factor of successful performance in the market.
• Dissent. Employees of the company are provided with an opportunity to have dissent opinion and discuss it with the managers of the organization.
• Effectiveness. The objectives should have long-term nature as the short – term effects are not important in the development of the company as prosperous one.
• First-class quality and performance. BMW Group should be the best producer of the vehicles for its consumers.

There are several other pillars of the organizational culture of BMW Group. In order to shorten description of these values, it is better to state that the company activity promotes unique corporate values with a purpose to share strong cultural foundations. It should be noted that one has to look at the culture and values of the company as it sets the direction in the management practice over the leadership of the organization. The company values and business strategy are interconnected. It is reflected in the actual BMW philosophy that grounds on the rights and needs of the customers, adaptability to the changes, respect to each other.

While some people may presume that the reliance of the company on its corporate culture is just a marketing trend of solution, it is better to look at facts. In particular, approximately 80% of the employees of BMW Group will definitely advise to other people to apply for a position in this organization as a friendly place to stay (BMW, 2017). In this respect, values of the company are used in support of the business strategy of the company where sustainability holds the primary position. BMW Group follows this business strategy as it leads to additional success. The leadership of the company has adopted an idea that the employees should feel themselves the elements of one common thing. In fact, employees of the company arrive to work with a purpose to be connected with each other as family members. In this respect, they may better contribute to the business performance of the company in the automobile industry. Following this discussion, it is evident that all these values are reflected in the current approach of the company to promote sustainability. Moreover, this fact only proves that BMW Group follows strategies developed in reference to the values of the company.

The clients of BMW Group may be conscious of the fact that the organization is committed to the realization of its values. At the website of the company, one may look at the belief of th leaders of the organization in the fact that the successful performance of BMW company will depend on people. This implies that BMW Group invests resources in the development of pleasant environment as well as it supports its functioning in right manner. This commitment may be supported with actual examples from current lifestyle and livelihood of the people. In particular, company invests resources in the creation of the environmentally friendly vehicles. This step should enhance protection of the environment against climate change issues. Furthermore, the leadership of the company stands to an idea that intention of the employees to work at the better corporate performance will depend on the involvement of the organization in this process. BMW Group shows that with development of new innovative parts and products, it is working at the improvement of the capabilities of the care (BMW, 2017).

In conclusion about the place and role of the values of the company in the business performance of BMW Group, one should admit that there is no mere reason to state that this organization disregards it values its business strategy in favour of the other.

  • Bmw. (2017). Cultural Engagement At The Bmw Group.. Retrieved 12 November 2017, From Xhttps://Www.Bmwgroup.Com/En/Responsibility/Corporate-Citizenship/Culture.Html

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