
Bridesmaid’s Speech

311 words | 2 page(s)

It is a joy today to see the marriage of Alicia and John. All of you friends and family have gathered to witness something great and permanent. This is a memorable occasion and touches my heart as I know it touches all of yours. Alicia is the sweetest friend that I know, and John, we could not think of anyone better to send her off into life with. Before we keep celebrating and eating and drinking, let me say a few things about the beautiful bride.

Alicia, we’ve been friends for so long, and I could go on with stories about our younger years, stories that wouldn’t have much significance for the people here at the wedding. We have and will continue to share those stories. What people can see is that those stories and that history have brought us here, standing with each other at your marriage and witnessing this promise and joy together.

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Sometimes there are rivalries between bridesmaids. But not here. We do have sorry among us, though. I’m not supposed to be the bridesmaid, Mandy is. As many of you know, Mandy passed away in February due to lukerikse disease. We can’t escape a little bit of pain even on a day like this. And that’s like so much of life, isn’t it? We rejoice and laugh and live at peace; we then cry and wonder and despair.

Alicia and John, you two will experience both of these things. Marriage will bring the greatest joys and the greatest sorrows, the greatest triumph and the greatest challenges. But rest assured that Mandy is with us in spirit. And that you two, spiritually, can overcome all challenges that the world and you as spouse will present. We are here to help you, so stay strong. To the beautiful bride, and the handsome groom!

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