
Business To Customer Letter

315 words | 2 page(s)

To Whom It May Concern,

I am FullName, a current student at National University. In addition to being a full-time student, I am also a veteran as well as founder and CEO of H Bros Cleaning Solutions that provides janitorial services to corporate and individual clients. My company has over 95% client retention rate which speaks volume about its customer service.

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I would like to offer the cleaning services of my company to National University. As a cleaning professional with multiple years of experience, I have identified several areas where the university will benefit from professional cleaning services. I must emphasize the fact that this proposal has not been shaped by a business opportunity only but also my desire to improve the image of the university as a current student. In fact, I have been encouraged by my friends and fellow students to make this proposal because they are aware of my entrepreneurial venture.

I believe the cleaning services provided by my company will be a worthy investment in the university. It will not only create a better learning environment for fellow students but also help attract more students, many of whom make campus visits before making final college decision. The fact that my fellow students encouraged me to make this proposal indicates that I am not the only student who is concerned about lack of adequate cleaning standards at National University.

I realize there can be budget constraints so I will be glad to sit with you to negotiate a competitive contract. As a student of the university, I am, particularly, inspired by this opportunity to improve the organizational image of the university. I know you are busy and I am thankful you took the time to read my letter. Please do not hesitate to let me know should you have any questions. You may reach me at emailaddress or at phonenumber.
Full Name

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