
Customer Relationships

386 words | 2 page(s)

Dear Mo;

Having gone through our company records, it shows that indeed credit amount from you does exist in our company’s records. According to the company’s policy, the amount was to be kept as your credit in case you purchase any products and services in the future which will then be reflected on your credit statement (Vivek, Beatty and Morgan, 2012).

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However, following your recent complaint regarding the flash drive and the issues with your credit we are writing to inform you that the company has analyzed your account and your request for refund has been approved it. Upon investigating your complaint, we realized that the previous statement about the flash drive sent to you was an error and a mistake which we would like to apologize on behalf of the company and its staff. We indeed received the flash drive that was allocated to you and sent you credit for it. Nonetheless, we are also able to clarify that upon receiving the flash drive from you we sent you the credit statement which you received according to your letter and also you do not have any orders pending with the company neither do you have any upcoming business-related activities with the company this month.

After a thorough scrutiny and analysis of your credit statement, the company has found out that indeed your complaint is legitimate and we have no choice but to approve your refund request given that the mistake was on our side. Therefore, the company is sending you this letter to confirm your refund which is send to you via check.

As a company, we are sorry for having made you go through so much trouble and for any frustrations you might have faced. Also, we apologize for any inconveniences that our error and mistake might have caused you. We hope that you can forgive us and be able to do business with us again. We promise that our specialized team will work to ensure such errors and mistakes are avoided if not minimized.

Please feel free to contact us in case you have any other questions and thank you for raising your complaint to us.
Yours sincerely,

  • Vivek, S. D., Beatty, S. E., & Morgan, R. M. (2012). Customer engagement: Exploring customer relationships beyond purchase. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 20(2), 122-146.

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