
Childhood Memory Essay

342 words | 2 page(s)

How much do you remember about your childhood? Out of those ten or fifteen years, you’d be surprised how much you’ve forgotten! Childhood – that great blur of colorful memories – is, surprisingly, a hard thing to write about. Interestingly, teachers have begun assigning essay work that has everything to do with these memories. They forget that memories – like photographs – fade quickly over time, especially if they aren’t kept up and polished every once in a while. When it comes time to write childhood memory essays, most students have left behind a good number of their childhood memories already. Asking students to compose these essays is like asking them to leap back in time. Sometimes, it just can’t be done: students just can’t remember enough to craft a valid childhood essay.

Even when a memory does finally come – and trust us, it can take a while to come – that doesn’t mean students have the capacity to write about. When student recall childhood memories, these memories could probably be explained in a matter of 3 to 5 sentences. How do you take something so miniscule, and turn it into a several-paragraph long childhood essay? For most students, the result is the ‘blab.’ The ‘blab’ occurs when students try to say too much about something that – well, there isn’t much to say about. Childhood memory essays turn in to incoherent rambles about this-thing-that-happed-to-me-one-time.

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This isn’t what teachers are looking for, and it shouldn’t be what you’re forced to write. MyCustomEssay.com, however, knows how tot take your childhood memory and turn it into a competent essay – not a ramble. With our help, we can take your precious, salient memory and transform it into a deep, thoughtful essay. It’s what we’re good at. We’ve been helping students with childhood memory essays for so long, well – we can’t remember when we started! If you’re facing such an assignment, let us know, and we’ll do all we can to make this memory a good one.

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