
Cloud Computing Company

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Swift is a small upcoming company that deals in shoes and clothing sales across New York and targeting a larger market across the USA. Their business is very demanding and requires that goods constantly flow in and out of the dedicated warehouses to be imported overseas (Baburajan, 2011). Today, they rely more on the internet in order to attract their customers just as in any other business. They have a fully functional website that allows them to reach their vast consumers all across the globe. Though they are a modern company, they have been experiencing difficulty in maintaining some of the customers who feel that their systems are too slow to respond and thus causing shipping problems to the company (Baburajan, 2011).

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Additionally, they have had huge expenses incurred from the hosting charges that they have been imposed by their website hosting firm. Due to this, they have agreed to seek professional help in terms of improving their customer experience and at the same time be relevant technologically in the ever growing and competitive field. Therefore, they have hired me, an IT specialist and systems engineer to have a look at their systems and come up with a logical solution. According to my expertise, the most relevant solution is to consider moving their hosting platform to the cloud as it offers a variety of opportunity in boosting their business. Thus, this paper looks into the relevance of cloud computing and its advantages in the Swift company.

Cloud computing characteristics
Cloud computing is a paradigm in information technology that enables files and configurable tools to provisioned with minimal management and effort. It relies on the sharing of resources in order to achieve coherence and suitable economies of scale. As a consultant to the Swift company, cloud computing has a wide range of characteristics and advantages that could as well be helpful to the company. Firstly, cloud computing deals with the concept of virtualization which means that the software that enables the virtualization process separates a physical computing device into multiple devices. This provides the agility and speed required in IT operations and additionally reduces the cost by increasing the level of infrastructure utilization. This brings about a huge level of scalability in the management of data by any business or company. If the company wishes to increase the amount of data collected or shared to the customer, it becomes easier as efficient utilization of space is acquired. Scalability moreover tends to offer cost reduction as only data accessibility is charged to the company, unlike the normal server hosting which deals with hardware and space hire.

Secondly, cloud computing offers agility in organizations as it increases user’s flexibility with the re-provision and expansion of the technological infrastructure and resources. The flexibility allows consumer fast interaction with the company’s systems making the user experience more reliable. As a consultant, this system offers a vast usability as good consumer experience translates to better business in the company (Amies, 2012).

Thirdly, cloud computing allows device and location independence which allows ease of access by any business all across the world. This means that any customer who wants access to the company’s website or catalogue of any product can acquire it straight from the cloud service of the company. The mode of access by any consumer is facilitated due to the offsite infrastructure that is provided by the third cloud hosting party (Amies, 2012). Additionally, cloud computing is easy to maintain as it does not depend on hardware utilization but rather software optimization. Moreover, it does not require the installation of the service on every customer’s device but rather accessed from different places (Knorr, & Gruman, 2008).

Fourthly, cloud computing allows multitenancy which enables the sharing of important resources that are to be accessed by the user. Multitenancy allows the centralization of infrastructure in various locations at low costs. Additionally, it allows peak load capacity in creation that allows the users not to pay or engineer the cloud platform in order to access the most relevant files in the company’s profile. Lastly, multitenancy allows for the utilization and efficiency improvements for systems that are often only 10%-30% utilized.

Additionally, cloud computing allows for performance monitoring by the service providers thus allowing the consistent and loosely coupled architectures to be constructed using web services as the interface of the system. Lastly, cloud computing increases productivity from the hosting mechanism as multiple users can work or access the same information simultaneously instead of waiting to either be emailed or saved such as in normal hosting services. This improves time-saving and reliability that can at times be caused by redundant sites not being optimized therefore a well-organized cloud computing service offers suitable business continuity.

In light of the information and the numerous activities that can be improved from the incorporation of the service, the Swift company are required to adopt the system and abandon their normal server-based hosting that is costly and doesn’t conserve space. As a company, Swift has experienced a reduction in their customer base as server hosting can at times be overloaded by the number of users making the system slow. Having a cloud-based system cloud reduce that as it offers simultaneity of users and the system still functions properly.

Additionally, the company should adopt the system as it offers low-cost services. Cloud computing is charged by the rate of data accessed by users unlike server hosting used by the company that needs to be regularly paid for even when most of the data is not being accessed. Moreover, scalability offered by cloud computing can allow the company to expand the amount of data to be hosted thus increasing their productivity rate. Through this, the company can experience immensity in their sales and profitability.

In conclusion, it can be seen that cloud computing offers a wide range of efficient characteristics that can boost any business that seeks to improve their relevance in technological hosting. Swift Company can, therefore, experience robust productivity from the hosting system.

  • Amies, A. (2012). Developing and hosting applications on the cloud. IBM Press.
  • Baburajan, R. (2011). The rising cloud storage market opportunity strengthens vendors. infoTECH, August, 24, 2011
  • Knorr, E., & Gruman, G. (2008). What cloud computing really means. InfoWorld, 7, 20-20.

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