
Coffee Adverts Critique

305 words | 2 page(s)

The ad of Maxwell House’s coffee is based on offering clear emotional and rational benefits. It claims that a cup of this drink will make a person more productive without being in a rush. For example, one will be able to finish a novel quickly. Also, it states that drinking this coffee will make every day good, implying that you can stay productive and happy as long as you buy this product.

General Foods’ ad, on the other hand, offers rather an emotional benefit to the audience. It vividly describes the rich taste of the coffee. Unlike Maxwell House, it makes customers dream about being free from all responsibilities. It uses the stark contrast between the picture of a winter lake and a cup of hot coffee, making the audience feel cozy and peaceful.

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Maxwell House states that its coffee is unique due to the slow roast technology. It encourages customers to enjoy it because this technology makes it better. General Foods claims that their product is new on the market, and asks the customers to explore its exclusive taste.

The brand image of Maxwell House consists of optimistic attitude towards the future. It promises that every day will be good, and there is no need to worry. This philosophy aligns with the message of the ad. However, the brand’s signature color is blue, and the commercial does not have any blue visuals except the small picture of the jar.

International Coffees by General Foods promote their products using associations about other countries. In this ad, the brand exploits the connection between chocolate, Switzerland, and mountains.

Each ad caters different needs of the TA. Maxwell House promises to make people more efficient and optimistic, while General Foods attracts them with images of peaceful life. These conflicting messages are relevant for customers with different needs.

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