
College Essay Examples

Plagiarism is nowadays one of the major concerns in the field of education, while it is also has a significant relevance for science, art, and mass media. Plagiarism is essentially an act of stealing someone's ideas or words and presenting them as one's original work. Though plagiarism is not regarded...

633 words | 3 page(s)

Rise or decrease in revenue upon increase in tuition is dependent on demand. In the recent past, a number of public and private colleges have experimented the effect of reducing tuition fee on financial performance of the institutions. Such efforts are informed by the rising price of college education that...

989 words | 4 page(s)

The United States has long offered free public education for K-12 through state and federal funding. Due to the increase in the cost of attending a two-year or four-year college, new ways must be created to help today’s college students get a higher education degree without incurring debt. Many college...

1167 words | 4 page(s)

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Mary Wollstonecraft offers lots of ideas that still sound appropriate today not to mention remarkably progressive for her time. Wollstonecraft notes the importance of rational education so that the students (future elements of society) would be able to contribute fully. Even though her idea was directed at women mostly, this...

298 words | 1 page(s)

Becoming a college freshman is one of the most exciting times in a young adult’s life. Normally students arrive to campus with their families and personal reminders of home. Finally, students get to break free of their parent’s curfews and household rules. Freedom smells and tastes so good. Parents shed...

1104 words | 4 page(s)

In Ben Shapiro’s testimony before the Congressional Oversight Committee on July 27, 2017, he argues that students, faculty members and administrators at American colleges and universities have conspired to shut down free the expression of viewpoints that do not conform to an ideologically liberal agenda. Shapiro argues that individuals that...

307 words | 2 page(s)

A. Produced in 2013, Schooled: The Price of College Sport is a documentary film that exposes the issue of college sports, and how college students, after excelling in their sports, only receive a college degree while in the real sense, a lot of money has been made out of their...

752 words | 3 page(s)

College students’ illicit use of study drugs is a well-documented fact on U.S. college campuses. American students of both genders and all races use various prescription stimulants illicitly, however their real motives remain a moot point in the scholarly research on the issue. Academic motives of the use of the...

1000 words | 4 page(s)

My future career is environmental engineering. I have had many career influences in my past, but my primary experience has been in renewable energy. This experience draws from my life in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates. The city of Masdar nearby operates primarily on renewable energy. This is...

617 words | 3 page(s)

For this assignment the subject matter is the controversial debate that continues to go on; which is the validity of college athletes getting paid. Should they or should they not? The thesis for this paper is that this author is taking the stance that they should definitely not be in...

1161 words | 4 page(s)

Because of the rise in popularity of lacrosse in high schools throughout the United States, scholarships are becoming gradually harder to come by. It is imperative that you take recruiting for college lacrosse into your own hands and be proactive in contacting coaches. Here are a few tips that can...

603 words | 3 page(s)

Where we are born has huge impact on our lives but some people mistakenly believe that the circumstances surrounding our birth also shape our destiny. I know the later to be wrong because my mother is a living proof destiny is not something given to us but instead shaped by...

635 words | 3 page(s)

I believe that extracurricular activities are a crucial aspect of life. Life must be multidimensional and offer the individual a number of activities to enrich one’s life. I have several extracurricular activities. One of my favorites is a sport that I regularly engage in: table tennis. I find this form...

348 words | 2 page(s)

A lot of people attend college with the intention of getting degrees so they can get good jobs and make money or acquire power. A lot of my classmates in high school talked about just getting in and getting out of college as fast as they can in order to...

370 words | 2 page(s)

For the most part, freedom of speech is permitted at college campuses. Many colleges, especially secular schools, allow students and faculty to say pretty much whatever they want on campus. There are certain derogatory or hatred-based terms and phrases that may get a student kicked out if using such phrases...

664 words | 3 page(s)

There are several measures which schools and universities could implement in order to improve campus safety. One simple improvement that could immediately enhance safety on campus is making sure that the campus is adequately lit at night. Reducing shadowy or dark areas where potential attackers could hide would visually improve...

321 words | 2 page(s)

If you have played any type of sport you have probably dreamed of going pro, especially if you play a sport like football or baseball. But what if your passion is playing golf? How you go about becoming the next Arnold Palmer or Tiger Woods? After all they have done...

1012 words | 4 page(s)

It is natural that parents would want to be a part of their children's college experience. On one level, college is only an extension of the education that has involved the parents for all of the students' lives. Most parents have interacted with the schools since elementary grades, and it...

757 words | 3 page(s)

Standardized testing has been used in schools since the 1950’s as a means of identifying children with special aptitudes and those who may require extra help or specialized educational methods to help them achieve their full academic potential. The practice began during the Space Race and Cold War eras when...

1212 words | 5 page(s)

Arguably the most significant issue that may affect the future of healthcare delivery in the U.S. is aging population. The tremendous progress in technology and medical science means people are living longer. In addition, patients now have higher expectations from healthcare providers and the intense competition means patients also have...

246 words | 1 page(s)

Recent studies have found that college students in North America display a high level of interests in spirituality. The UCLA Higher Education Research Institute published the results of their National Study of College Students’ Search for Meaning and Purpose, in which over 100,000 at 236 universities and colleges took part....

683 words | 3 page(s)

The existence of a strong positive correlation between a student's scores on the S.A.T. test and the income of their family (Trochim, 2006) shows that there is a powerful tendency for each measure to rise or fall in association with the other. Had it been a strong negative correlation, then...

312 words | 2 page(s)

The National College Athletic Association (NCAA) is one of the most popular sports leagues in the world today. The nation’s colleges understand the prestige and appeal sports bring to them that is why they aggressively recruit top high school players and offer full or partial academic scholarships to athlete students...

704 words | 3 page(s)

While most people see attorneys standing in front of a jury in a setting reticent of Law and Order, most with actual knowledge of the field understand that for writers, the primary task is most often critical writing. Lawyers – and students in law school – have to know how...

1212 words | 5 page(s)

Many junior golfers dream of playing golf in college. There are three hundred Division I colleges that have a few open spots on the golf team. Around four thousand players compete for about six hundred open spots every year. Here are a few tips to help you on your journey...

681 words | 3 page(s)

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