
Customer First Values Shape Hiring Decisions at Zappos

319 words | 2 page(s)

Zappos’ unique corporate culture necessitates a recruitment strategy that is based upon innovation, creativity, and the identification of personality characteristics that align with organizational values. Therefore, employees should be evaluated for their loyalty, flexibility, and willingness to have fun. This policy offers an opportunity for employees to demonstrate their true loyalty and respect towards the organization moving forward.

Furthermore, the selection of 30 new employees every month requires two interviews, one of which resembles a talk show set, to determine if employees possess the core values to be successful. The human resources team also communicates with the shuttle driver to determine if the prospective employee is a good fit, along with a newspaper test to determine creativity. Finally, lunch with a group of people allows the organization to determine if employees can openly engage with others in a public setting.

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This selection process appears to be effective, comprehensive, and somewhat surprising because it does not utilize traditional strategies to recruit employees and seeks a unique approach which allows them to get to know prospective employees on a personal basis. This is not the norm in many organizations and allows Zappos to identify employees who will make a real difference over time. This approach is reliable for its consistency; valid because it examines characteristics which align with core values; generalizable because it engages employees in the same patterns; practical because it provides employees with multiple opportunities to sell themselves; and legally appropriate because it does not break any established regulations.

These methods should be measured on the basis of turnover versus retention rates for employees and the use of employee satisfaction surveys to determine if they can uphold the corporate culture and its core values and make a significant difference within the organization throughout their tenure and regardless of their position (Moran, 2013).

  • Moran, G. (2013). Zappos’ secrets to building an empowering company culture. Entrepreneur, Retrieved from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/226003

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