
Cybercrime: Technology and Law Enforcement

336 words | 2 page(s)

Cybercrime has continued to pose a major threat to the technology field due to the vast ideas and inventions discovered in making technology grow from one level to another. Unfortunately, most people have lost resources in the process of using the internet to make their work efficient and effective. Recent cases of cybercrime have moved from a corporate platform to one that targets social media users. As such, law enforcement agencies have been compelled to come up with ways of curbing or mitigating such cases (Schwabe, Davis & Jackson, 2001).

First, the Federal Bureau of Investigation owns an establishment called Internet Crime Complaint Center whose main objective is to assist victims in reporting any form of cybercrime that they might be subjected to. Law enforcement agencies have also been tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that victims are assisted in cases of cybercrimes regardless of the magnitude of the attack.

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Consequently, law enforcement agencies have embraced several technologies to mitigate such cases. First, they intend to increase the number of digital investigators. Investigations on such cases require well versed digital experts, and consequently, more detectives are being trained for the job. This allows them to gain knowledge on how to collect evidence from computers and other digital platforms (Schwabe, Davis & Jackson, 2001). Additionally, these agencies have welcomed updated forensic computer examiners and prosecutors who are well familiar with cybercrime, have high technical skills comprising of information technology software and hardware knowledge, and are greatly equipped with the forensic tools.

The local agencies also have established task forces that are mandated with the solving numerous jurisdictional matters. Through these task forces, the expertise shared has enabled for a faster way of dealing with cybercrimes. Finally, the agencies also use firewall technology to prevent any form of unauthorized interaction with the network. This technology has helped in securing the systems from external access

  • Schwabe, W., Davis, L. M., & Jackson, B. A. (2001). Challenges and choices for crime-fighting technology federal support of state and local law enforcement. Retrieved from www.rand.org/

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