
Depressive Disorder

933 words | 4 page(s)

Background and significance
Depressive disorder is a sickness, which involves the thought, body, and mind. It affects the normal functioning, daily life, and evokes pain for both an individual in question together with his or her family and other people who care about the person (Oquendo, Galfalvy, Russo, Ellis, Grunebaum, Burke & Mann, 2014). This feeling does not come and go, but it persists for a long time. It is not as a result of a personal condition, or weakness that can be wished or willed away. People with this type of weakness have a big problem when it comes to pulling themselves together and getting better. Without administering treatment, this problem can take a long time, such as weeks, months, or years. Depression is a common problem for the majority of people, but it is a serious illness. Individuals with this problem have to undergo some treatment so as to get better. The appropriate treatment normally helps to do away with this problem.

Major depression has a number of symptoms, such as it interferes with the ability to study, work, eat, sleep, and actively enjoy pleasurable activities. There are four major types of depressive disorder. These are:
Psychotic depression – this depression is severe and is commonly accompanied by some elements of psychosis, such as hallucinations, delusions, and a break from reality.
Postpartum depression – this depression occurs when a mother who has just delivered develops episodes of major depression one month after delivery (Sotskyet al., 2014).
Seasonal depression – this takes place during winter seasons when the sunlight is less. The depressive disorder ends when the summer begins.
Bipolar affective disorder – it is also termed manic-depressive disorder. Its effects are not as bad as compared to psychotic depression.

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This disorder is highly treatable even the most severe cases can be effectively handled. A patient having this problem can be advised to take some medication, go for herbal therapy, psychotherapy. The medication involves taking antidepressants, such as neurotransmitters. Herbal therapy has become common in Europe and the United States. It involves using herbs to treat depression. Psychotherapy involves teaching the patients new ways of behaving and thinking. The therapy may be interpersonal therapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy.

The research is to investigate whether inpatient group therapy has any effect, especially when it comes to social skills for patient aged between 25 and 55. The effect of inpatient therapy on to this group of individuals will be compared to a group that does not go for therapy. The main thing to be observed between the two groups is how they interact with other members of the society. It will try to determine any difference in the social skills between the two groups. This research is crucial since it can tell if the inpatient therapy is effective, or if it’s a waste of time (Barlow, 2014).

A hypothesis can be generated from this research. The following is the alternate hypothesis (Ha1) and a null hypothesis (Ho1) for the research:
The alternate hypothesis (Ha1) – individuals aged between 25 and 55 suffering from depressive disorder and are attending inpatient therapy are likely to show improvement in social skills.
The null hypothesis (Ho1) – individuals aged between 25 and 55 suffering from depressive disorder and are attending inpatient therapy are not likely to show improvement in social skills.

A survey was carried on the individual, that is, the sample patient having depressive disorder. The following pretest and post-test were prepared and asked by the interviewers who executed the research.

Pretest questions
Do you believe that the therapy is going to be effective in treating the problem at hand?
Are you comfortable with the time duration of the sessions?
Is the professional responsible for carrying out the therapy experienced in his or her work?

Where would you classify yourself when using a Geriatric depression scale?
Among the following statements, which one do you believe is true when it comes to depressive disorder?
It affects the moods only for a short while
It makes one to feel very happy and active
It affects the normal functioning, daily life, and evokes pain
Give the first-line management for treating depressive disorder?
Orthopedic surgery
Inpatient therapy
Between the adolescent and your group, which group is mostly faced with depressive disorder?
Your age (between 24 and 50)
Which of the following describes your social interaction level?
Interaction level is very poor
Your company is liked by many friends and families
People complain the you are very moody
Do you believe the illness is affecting how you are interacting with other people?

Is the inpatient environment positive for your recovery process?

Post-test questions
Has the therapy achieved the purpose it was intended for?
Is there any difference, especially when it comes how you interact now compared to when you started the therapy?
Where would you classify yourself now when using a Geriatric depression scale?
Was the professional responsible for therapy effective in his or her job?
Were the other members present in the therapy session helpful?
If the other members were helpful, how did they contribute to your well-being?
Improving the socialization abilities
Reducing the level of depressive disorder
Reducing depressive disorder and improving socialization abilities
Is the time set aside for the therapy enough?
Is there anything in the session that requires change?
Do you believe that your ability of interaction has been improved by this therapy?
In case you are attacked by the condition again, do you think it is possible for you to attend the sessions again?

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