
Description Of A Restaurant

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The restaurant is situated (place) near the central business district. Additionally, there are three higher educational institutions within a mile. There are new housing developments being constructed within a two mile radius, and public transportation improvements have recently been completed. Our customers are professionals and students, staff and faculty. The menu is comprised of American style cuisine with a Mediterranean flair with an extensive Vegan offering. All entrees are $18 and under, with most between $10 and $12. There have been many write-ups in local papers, and a feature a local news channel that has been successful in promoting the restaurant.

We have seen a decrease in business lately, as there are more restaurants opening up. We must do some canvassing of menus within the central business district to introduce the restaurant to those not familiar. The success of Groupon is undeniable, and we will begin to offer two-for-one Groupons for additional promotion. A tapas option, or smaller portions of our specials, at lower prices can mix up the menu and bring people in to try something more than one dish at a time. An expansion of the catering options marketed to local schools for parties and different event will also increase business.

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In order to serve customers, it is necessary to know what they want. Polling customers will help with that understanding. As the economy recovers, people are spending less on luxury items such as dining out. Offering lower price options of a popular product will keep people dining, and help them save a little. As in any establishment, price, product, promotion, and place are equally important. If the product is not good, it does not matter the price. If the price is not reasonable, people will hesitate to pay for it, despite how good it is. If no one knows about the establishment then there will be not business, and if it is not convenient to get there, no one is coming.

Someone recommended a product line of fresh, handmade products for face, hair, and body made with all natural ingredients. I had never heard of Lush, but went to the store and picked up three of their items. I took a catalog and then talked to friends, of who had heard of the line, but forgot to mention it to me. I loved the product since all the ingredients are all natural; they are not tested on animals; and handmade. While they have a web presence and online ordering is available, there are some products that are so fresh that they can only be purchased at a store. For all natural products the prices were comparable to over the counter products, maybe slightly more expensive, but well worth the cost due to the nature of the product. There are six locations throughout the area, making it convenient to pick up the product. The product is so well received that much promotion comes from existing customers recommending them; which is how I came to know about the company.

My friends and I look for products that are well-priced, but also good for us and the environment. Due to economic constraints, we look for bargains and ways to get the most for our dollar, we do not compromise on quality on everything. In fact, we look for products and offer quality, which is normally a sign that they will last longer, and the higher initial purchase cost will actually save money later as we will not need to replace them as often. Recommendations from others, and good reviews also help our decision-buying process, as well as how the company manufacturers their products; i.e., how eco-conscious and responsible they are.

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