
Diversity in the Workplace: Nursing Perspective

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Point of Pride 1

Identified Problem
In the field of nursing, communication is often a problem due the fact that all information needs to be funneled through the head nurse, who is older than the other nurses. This causes some younger nurses to stay quiet and speak up about problems on the job, as they feel somewhat discriminated against.

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Point of Pride
Younger nurses have moved into higher positions, allowing them to better voice their concerns, and better relationships were developed between younger and older nurses.

Action Items
Communication was improved by having more interaction between the younger nurses and the older nurses by having social activities to help build relationships. Also, training sessions so that the older nurses can work more closely with the younger, as well intentionally pairing younger and older during shifts.

Communication amongst younger and older nurses is a major hurdle that has the potential to hurt patients. Having the older and younger interact outside and during the job builds better relationships, reducing barriers to communication.

Point of Pride 2
Identified Problem
Female nurses feel that their opinions are not as well respected as those of the male nurses. Some claim that hospitals are male dominated, forcing them to feel that it is a sexist environment.

Point of Pride
Female nurses have been promoted more often than in the past and other report feeling more comfortable expressing their opinion.

Action Items
Work conferences led by women improved the imagine of women in the hospital. Furthermore, mentorship programs and women’s empowerment seminars helped give women more confidence in the hospital.

Because hospitals are often dominated by male doctors and other staff, female nurses often feel intimidated and that their opinions are not treated the same as those of the men. Changing how women are viewed in the hospital and how women feel about themselves at work helps the overall performance of the workplace.

Point of Pride 3
Identified Problem
African Americans make up a smaller proportion of the hospital staff, leading them to feel excluded. Some have reported that their job performance is hindered because they are not as included in both job and social situations.

Point of Pride
African Americans have been included more in work related activities, with many claiming that they now feel more comfortable, allowing them to do a better job as a nurse.

Action Items
Work teams were analyzed and intentionally designed to create more diverse groups, mandatory out of work social activities were created, and more African Americans were given the opportunity to lead work groups. These created more interaction between African Americans and others at work.

This point of pride addresses the problem that many African Americans or minorities experience. Having more interaction both in and out of work between minorities and the predominantly white staff created a better working environment.

Point of Pride 4
Identified Problem
Some of the nurses in the hospital immigrated from other countries, and these nurses have reported feeling discriminated against by other nurses and hospital staff. This hinders their ability to perform their job as they should.

Point of Pride
Classes on diversity have been implemented to increase cultural awareness and the benefits it can bring to a workplace. Because, of this immigrants now feel more included and more appreciated.

Action Items
Other staff were forced to attend classes that taught them the importance of having staff from other countries, immigrant nurses were allowed to share their culture with the hospital by bring in traditional cuisine and other aspects of their culture, and these nurses given more responsibilities in the hospital.

These actions helped show the staff of the hospital why having a culturally diverse staff is beneficial, as many workplaces also tend discriminate against immigrant workers.

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