
Race or Ethnicity in the Workplace

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Article 1

1)In an article by Yavorsky, Cohen, & Qian (2016), the research question addresses the significance of minority males and their tendency to work in female-dominated roles in organizations, particularly when they have only acquired lower levels of education and lack the ability to obtain higher-level positions for a variety of reasons.

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2)The hypothesis for the study is that there are significant disparities among different races and ethnicities regarding the types of jobs that minority males fill, as it is proposed that they tend to fill jobs which are typically dominated by females, and White males are less likely to fill these roles in a large majority of cases where these disparities exist (Yavorsky et al., 2016).

3)The article provides several different statistics regarding the research question, and in the results section, percentages regarding the number of minority men in female-dominant jobs are revealed; in addition, this section includes odds regarding the existence of Asian males in these roles versus White males; and the tables at the end of the study provide greater detail regarding the percentages associated with males in female-dominated roles, including variables regarding education, country of origin, and marital status, among others (Yavorsky et al., 2016). These statistics were generated based upon the variables that were used for the study, along with the use of the American Community Survey, which is a reputable survey on the national scale (Yavorsky et al., 2016).

4)For this research study, it is important to consider how minority males are viewed in the workplace environment and if they are likely to be selected by recruiters over other races. At the same time, the study should further expand on the differences between Whites and African -Americans, along with Whites and Hispanics to better determine these differences.

5)The study findings are important in addressing some of the disparities that exist regarding hiring patterns in many organizations, and in particular, the way in which minorities are viewed when making these decisions; however, equal opportunity laws currently exist and these disparities may be reduced on their own or may persist going forward.

6)The author’s argument is important because it addresses the challenges that minority males face in obtaining employment and in considering how to improve these disparities. The argument is valid, but this issue requires a more expanded approach that will have a desirable impact on outcomes and will influence the direction of hiring practices.

7) Disparities in employment in the workplace are a significant issue, but it is difficult to reverse many patterns overnight regarding the tendency to hire minority males for positions which females typically fill. Therefore, additional discussions are necessary to address this issue and to ensure that new alternatives are explored to recruit minority males for other types of positions.

Article 2
1)An article by Emerson & Murphy (2014) addresses the significance of racial and ethnic disparities as they exist in the workplace, based upon traditional hiring practices and other activities which exclude many minorities from securing higher-level positions in a variety of organizations.

2)The hypothesis under consideration is that by using social identity threat theory, social cues in larger groups demonstrate to minority groups if they are threatened or are accepted by the general population of workers; furthermore, these workers may not receive the same level of respect throughout the organization that is deserved (Emerson & Murphy, 2014).

3)The introductory paragraph of the study includes statistics regarding income distribution among different ethnic and racial groups; the literature review section offers statistics regarding the lower percentages of people of color who are part of the workforce; and another section summarized a study whereby stereotypes in the workplace are considered which provide value to the workplace environment (Emerson & Murphy, 2014). These statistics are derived from the U.S. Department of Labor and other reputable studies to demonstrate their significance to the research (Emerson & Murphy, 2014).

4) The research question is important in addressing why disparities in the workplace continue to exist among different racial and ethnic groups; however, additional statistics from national organizations would be necessary to prove the point even further; in addition, discussions regarding disparities among these groups require additional insight.

5)The study findings are important in addressing some of the key challenges that minority groups experience in the workplace, but they should not necessarily be used to change laws, which already exist with the aim to protect workers as best as possible. Nonetheless, additional oversight in this area is required to ensure that organizations can better accommodate the needs of their employees and reduce disparities from within in different ways.

6) The argument in the study is relevant because it offers an understanding of the disparities that exist among different ethnic groups in the workplace. However, not all workplaces are created equal and in some work environments, there is a high level of respect for minorities and fewer disparities exist. Both sides must be considered in addressing these challenges and in evaluating the importance of different perspectives for this discussion.

7) From my perspective, it is important to consider the obvious disparities among employees in different workplaces, but to also consider the types of organizations under consideration, particularly when some organizations are effective in recruiting employees from a variety of different racial and ethnic groups. These employees are often treated with greater respect when the organizational culture is built for diversity and acceptance of all persons, regardless of color or ethnicity.

  • Emerson, K. T., & Murphy, M. C. (2014). Identity threat at work: How social identity threat and
    situational cues contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in the workplace. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 20(4), 508.
  • Yavorsky, J. E., Cohen, P. N., & Qian, Y. (2016). Man Up, Man Down: Race–Ethnicity and the
    Hierarchy of Men in Female-Dominated Work. The Sociological Quarterly, 57(4), 733-758.

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