
Does God Exist?

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There are numerous religions in the world of which the major ones are Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. These religions often present different opinions on the purpose of life as well as the life after death but almost all of them agree upon the concept of god. But even the greatest ideas and truths are not immune to challenge or criticism and the concept of god is no different in this regard. There are some among us who do not like the greatest fact in the universe being challenged but truth only gains strength when it is challenged. God does exist and not only science but everything around us is a testament to his existence.

The arguments against the existence of God often cite lack of scientific proof but such an argument ignores the limitation of science itself. Science often time places too much emphasis on observation. Some scientists even subscribe to the idea that the world doesn’t exist when we close our eyes and are not conscious of its existence. In other words, they put the age of the universe at fifteen billion because that is what the data we have suggests. Since the data doesn’t suggest anything beyond fifteen billion years, nothing existed before that as far as scientists are concerned (Hamilton, 1997). But it doesn’t take lot of intelligence to realize that the existence of anything doesn’t depend upon the observers being aware of it. Similarly, our inability to directly observe God or confirm his existence doesn’t automatically rule he doesn’t exist. The fact doesn’t always require confirmation or evidence to be true.

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Saint Thomas Aquinas proved that God’s existence is compatible with scientific ideas despite what the critics may claim. He claimed that everything in motion was put into that state by a mover, thus, the first mover must be from outside the world. He also argued that there is always a cause and there has to be the first cause which would naturally be God. Saint Aquinas also claimed that everything that exists depends upon something and there has to be something upon whom everything depends. Similarly, the world is complex that it can only be the evidence of a creator (Bootsma).

Those who deny the existence of God also often put forward the philosophical argument that evil exists, thus, God could not have existed and if God does exist, it means he created evil and is, therefore, evil. This argument could easily be dismissed through everyday examples. Parents love their children but they also put them through test and difficult conditions to help them grow into better human beings. Similarly, evil exists so that God can test us and not because God merely wanted to hurt his creation. We only test those whom we believe in and have high expectations from which is why God tests us because he believes in his creation and has high expectations from them.

The complexity of the university is another evidence of the existence of God. Scientists have discovered data over the last few decades which gives us some glimpse into the delicate balance between natural laws. Famous scientist Stephen Hawking calculated that if the rate of universe’s expansion one second after Big Bang had been smaller by even one part of hundred thousand million million, the universe would have re-collapsed into fireball. Similarly, John Barrow and Frank Tipler estimated that a change in gravity by only one part in 10,100 would have prevented a life-permitting universe (Craig & Pigliucci, 1998). It is clear that the universe is too complex to have come into existence by mere a chance and its existence is probably the greatest proof of God.

The God’s existence is also proven due to the presence of objective morality in the world. We all agree that certain actions such as rape, murder, and lying are wrong no matter where we come from. Even noted atheists such as J.L. Mackie of Oxfore University claimed that the existence of objective values would make the existence of God more probable but Mackie defended his atheism by claiming that there are no objective morals and our moral sense is a natural product of biological and social evolution (Craig, Does God Exist?). The fact that objective moral exists also proves the existence of God and atheists deny the existence of God by denying the universal nature of morals.

The existence of God is such a great fact that even the most noted atheist of our times, Richard Dawkins also had to admit that he can’t be sure God doesn’t exist (Bingham, 2012). This shows that scientists who deny the existence of God, violate the very principles of their own profession. Scientists are trained to make a claim only if they are absolutely sure yet the world’s most famous atheist admitted he could not be sure with 100 percent certainty that God doesn’t exist. This is another proof that God’s existence is not denied because he doesn’t exist but because those who deny have not been able to understand his true nature and have misleading ideas of him.

It is clear that God exists and evidence of his existence is everywhere. First of all, the universe is too complex to have come into existence by chance. In addition, the presence of objective morals also point towards the existence of God. Science cannot prove the existence of God because it places too much emphasis on physical evidence and not all truths exist in physical forms.

  • Bingham, J. (2012, February 24). Richard Dawkins: I can’t be sure God does not exist. Retrieved April 20, 2013, from http://www.telegraph.co.uk
  • Bootsma, C. (n.d.). Is there proof that God exists? Retrieved April 20, 2013, from http://www.aleteia.org/
  • Craig, W. L. (n.d.). Does God Exist? Retrieved April 20, 2013, from http://www.reasonablefaith.org/
  • Craig, W. L., & Pigliucci, M. (1998). Does God Exist? Retrieved April 20, 2013, from http://www.reasonablefaith.org
  • Hamilton, C. (1997, Spring-Summer). Scientific Proof of the Existence of God. Retrieved April 20, 2013, from http://www.enlightennext.org/

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