
Rene Descartes Philosophy

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Rene Descartes was a French mathematician, philosopher and a writer. He was the father of Modern Philosophy thus the Western Philosophy in response to some of his writings. On the other hand, Plato was a student of Socrates, a mathematician and a philosophical dialogue writer. Additionally, Plato was the founder of the Athens Academy (Descartes 37). The Academy was among the first institutions in the Western World to provide higher learning.

In one of Descartes quotes: Although the utility of so extensive a doubt is not readily apparent, nevertheless its greatest utility lies in freeing us of all prejudices…

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This was regarded as Descartes first meditation. Alternatively, Descartes first mediation was so significant in that it played a key role in freeing the mind from prejudices. In this case, the ideas Descartes had were essential in helping people avoid making decisions before being aware of some of the facts, which were relevant (Descartes 45). The meditation generally guided and advised the people accordingly. They were like inspirations to the people hence they had a heavy impact to the people. In this particular meditation, Descartes indicates how human beings have the ability to guarantee their beliefs regarding life realities by generally limiting what they believe in to whatever they feel is indubitable. Generally, Descartes meditation aspect inspires people in their everyday lives (Ariew 67). Descartes also claims that human beings should also claim to know aspects, which are justifiable.

In the context, the Socrates was an ancient classical philosopher and one of the Western Philosophy founders. Additionally, he was enigmatic and a public figure known for his writings as classical. In this case, Plato was one of his students. The contemporary Aristophanes was one of his play. In this context, Socrates played an important role especially in guiding Plato’s dialogues (Ariew 97). Additionally, there was the aspect of survival from antiquity. There was the aspect of apology, which is seen as an important aspect in the context. Personally, I view the aspect of apology as an important aspect in the context. The relationship between the two philosophers was at stake due to various aspects therefore, apology was important. I have few experiences in relations to this aspect.

Through Descartes’ questioning of the mind, an individual will benefit from withdrawing the mind from the senses, which means that it will be able to eliminate youthful prejudice. According to Descartes, this is one way of ensuring that an individual will be able to attain knowledge. This quest for knowledge emanates from the idea that an individual will cast doubt on his or her senses, meaning that through meditation, the individual will be able to reconstruct the process that will enable him or her to discover knowledge. Descartes’ intention was to introduce the idea or concept of doubt, which is his first step to ensuring that an individual will be able to obtain knowledge. Initiating knowledge with doubt is one way of ensuring that an individual will be able to allow a scientific inquiry to begin in the mind, meaning that the individual will expose him or herself to the process of reasonable thinking as a way of ensuring that he or she gains knowledge. For this reason, the first step would be to clear the mind from the senses and allow the mind to be free from prejudice and to gain knowledge.

It is possible to determine that the quest for wisdom or knowledge involves the use of sound reasoning, maturity in making judgments, critical thinking as well as having a strong sense of being relevant in a specific context. From the apology, Socrates suggests that “…the greatest good for a man (is) to discuss virtue (excellence) every day and those other things about which you hear me conversing and testing myself and others, for the unexamined life is not worth living for men…” (Peterman 101), which gives an indication of the way in which philosophers care for their soul. On the other hand, Descartes’ quest for knowledge entails clearing his mind from all prejudice in order to give way for the development of the knowing process, which involves thinking and learning.

Through these considerations, it is possible to insinuate that an individual can be able to use the philosophical methods of obtaining knowledge and wisdom, which is a way of making sure that he or she develops a sense of maturity in making judgments, having a strong sense of relevance and the ability to implement critical thinking initiatives (Peterman 116). Through their work, the two philosophers present issues and ideas that are necessary for enabling an individual to pursue fundamental truths, which is a way of ensuring that they develop an understanding of the world. It is also necessary to determine that the philosophers cover different domains of human experiences, through which an individual will be able to determine theories and techniques to apply as he or she pursues any vocation.

  • Ariew, Roger. Descartes’ Meditations: Background Source Materials. Cambridge [u.a.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998. Print.
  • Descartes, René, and Blaise Pascal.Meditations on First Philosophy. Beijing: Zhongguo she hui kexuechu ban she, 1999. Print.

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