
Education in America

329 words | 2 page(s)

One of the things I love about America is the belief that anyone can succeed through hard work and determination. In America and in many other developed countries, education up to high school is free and I cannot think of a more powerful tool than education which can help people from poverty rise up the economic and social hierarchy. Unfortunately, in my country education continues to be a luxury and is available to those only who can afford it. Thus, education issue is extremely important to me because I consider it as basic right as food and housing. No child should be deprived of education and, thus, the opportunity to build his/her own future.

But dreams mean nothing without action. This is why I joined Buku Berjalan Club back home when I was in high school. As a member of the club, I would teach children from impoverished background once a week. Nothing gave me more joy than watching children learning the art of reading and writing and building a hope for a better future than their parents. It also made me realized how fortunate I had been to be born under the right circumstances. Thus, education is one issue that will continue to be close to my heart no matter which career or industry I join.

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Even as a working professional, I plan to commit both time and money to educational causes. Education is not only necessary for people to improve their economic and social standing but also to help them become better members of the society. When I think about other important social issues such as global warming, I realize almost every issue can be tackled with greater resources if people are educated. More educated people tend to be progressive on social issues and also more politically engaged. I am optimistic about the future and am especially thankful for the invention of internet which has created valuable educational opportunities for children and adults from developing countries.

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