
Importance Of Sex Education in Schools

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Teenagers are subjected to numerous social challenges in their daily activities. The challenges are increased due to the nature of their social interaction and the physiological challenges associated with their age. One of the biggest challenges affecting the teenagers includes included sex. Sex among teenagers is characterized by numerous moral and social challenges that need massive attention. Young adults and teens need to have actual scientifically-correct sex education because, without it, they are at a greater risk of pregnancy, health complications, and sexually transmitted infections.

Teenagers should be encouraged to embrace abstinence as a realistic way of upholding morality. Sex education cannot solely make the teenagers not to engage in sex. In some situations, it can make them engage in unprotected sex, thus, putting at a higher risk of infection. According to the advocates of youth report (2008), “95 percent of adult respondents, ages 18 through 44, reported that they had sex before marriage”p.1. Further, the report indicates that even those did not have early sex, approximately 81% engaged in sex before marriage. Therefore, sex education without emphasizing the need for abstinence may not be effective.

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Sex education should assist the youths acquire facts about their nature. The provision of facts that are accurate and can be proofed by scientific frameworks can be crucial to the youths. The facts should include their anatomy and physiological process. The use of scientific facts can form a strong basis on which the teenagers can form a critical view of their sexual perspectives (Advocates for Youth, 2008). The facts can also eliminate the lies that are transmitted among the teenagers.

Teenagers in high school should understand themselves and the members of the opposite sex. One of the practical ways of reducing immorality through sex. Presenting a safe learning environment can heighten knowledge about sexuality, gender expression, and representation. The education can also assist the teenagers accommodate the interest of members of the opposite sex. A safe learning environment can also facilitate open sharing of ideas among the learners (Fears, 2009).

The use of Sex Education in school curriculums has assisted in restoring the integrity of sexuality among teenagers. Some of the aspects that have been incorporated in the sex education in schools include health education and abstinence. The education has assisted the teenagers eliminate the baseless ideologies and myths related to sex. Some of the myths that need consideration in the sex education curriculum include clarifications on the misrepresentations related to abortion (Kirby, 2007). The myths associated with the spread of HIV also need clear explanations to reduce any confusion among teenagers.

Comprehensive sex education programs are critical to the curriculums. The curriculum must be developed after strategic collaborations among all experts in various areas of specialization (Mel Johns, 2003). In order to incorporate diverse ideologies and views in the curriculum, the specialists that can be engaged include doctors, teachers, and medical specialists. Members of both sexes should also be included to facilitate incorporation of sexual perspectives for both males and females. The wide views are essential towards increasing the quality of the curriculum because they make it all-encompassing and accurate.

There should be sufficient support for the implementation of the sex education curriculum. The acquisition of policies and laws to support the implementation of sex education is imperative. The policies can facilitate the frameworks along which the programs are implemented. The policies will also enhance commitments through dedication of resources to facilitate research and the tools for educational administration (Advocates for Youth, 2008). The laws can also provide a consistent implementation model for all institutions.

Therefore, comprehensive sex education in schools is elemental for the teenagers. The education provides classic platforms on which safe sex can be taught to the students. Giving teenagers the strategies to embrace safety in their sexual engagements can increase their dignity and heighten respect for one another. Having factual representation of sexual perspectives can assist teenagers develop insights into entities associated with true sexuality. Promoting chastity and morality can make the teenager have a mature approach to sex education and reality.

  • Advocates or Youth. “The Truth About Abstinence-Only Programs.” The Truth About Abstinence-Only Programs. Advocates For Youth, 1 Jan. 2008. Web. March 1, 2015. http://www.advocatesforyouth.org
  • Fears, Darryl. “D.C. Students Say Schools’ Sex Education is Antiquated; Survey Finds Teens Don’t Like Talking to Nurses, Reject Condom Brand.” The Washington PostOct 22 2009. ProQuest.
  • Kirby, Douglas. “Abstinence, Sex, and STD/HIV Education Programs for Teens: Their Impact on Sexual Behavior, Pregnancy, and Sexually Transmitted Disease.” Annual Review of Sex Research 18 (2007): 143-77. ProQuest.
  • Mel Johns, Centennial. “Sex Ed Update ; Group has Designed a Peer-Education; Program to Teach Teens about Sexuality.”Spokesman Review: B1. May 19 2003.

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