
Educational Technology

288 words | 1 page(s)

The Center for Applied Research in Educational Technology, or CARET, has determined six different methods by which they believe technology may improve educational performance; after reviewing the basics of the six different strategies, it may be seen that these strategies are not out of date, but are still relevant today.

The CARET strategies state that technology is it’s “most effective when integrated with curriculum content,” that performance that when learning is paired with technology it enhances student performance, that performance is improved when applications are integrated into the typical day of instruction, that performance is improved when the application provides opportunities that extend beyond the classroom, or beyond content assessed by standardized testing, and finally that it improves performance when used in environments that support the use of technology (CARET).

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I believe that each of these six distinct strategies is still fully able to improve performance. While it is true that many schools are embracing technology, there are still many more schools who shrink from its use on a day to day basis, using technology as something that should be selected for special occasions only instead of working to ensure that students are at their most prepared for the technologically advanced world that they will be entering into. Through an understanding of how technological integration serves to benefit students, it will be possible for all individuals to see how CARET’s strategies are still highly effective, in spite of the fact that they may have been put together several years ago. As many aspects of school have already shown us, simply because something is older does not mean that it is not relevant, and simply because it is older does not mean that it is not effective.

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