
Efficient Leadership Philosophy

648 words | 3 page(s)

Most of you are familiar with my name and position, but we have not been able to interact together formally. I am the organizational manager, and together with the three front managers, I will be leading you towards ensuring efficient performance organizational activities and achievement of the organizational as well as each of your individual goals. Towards ensuring that we maintain a continuous positive performance in the professional environment, the organization, through me as the organizational manager, will adopt a transformational leadership approach. The approach will enable us to achieve a motivated, positive progress of both the organization and all the individuals, despite ensuring that we can empower leadership skills in ourselves.

During my time as a leader, will be working as a team whereby we will be keeping close professional relationships, interactions, and discussions. All the individuals in each department will be expected to ensure that they work as a team, as well as assist each other in boosting the productivity in the department. Furthermore, I encourage you to have interdepartmental coordination so that you can ensure a smooth flow of information at all production levels and firm activities. The leaders in the three departments will also uphold a rapport with the individuals in the department so that all of you will be able to work together as a team and be free to share information with each other. Through this process, I will work closely with you, ensuring that when available, I will visit the departments and take into account your challenges and stumbling blocks so that we can all be able to solve them.

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Moreover, I would like that we all have a platform where we will be able to share ideas, challenges as well as personal objectives. Occasionally, we will conduct meetings and luncheons whereby we will discuss our grievances at the workplace and if possible, external factors that hinder our performance at the workplace. Through these platforms, we shall be able to motivate each other and ensure that we can steer our minds off negative factors. We shall also list our individuals’ goals and objectives so that the firm’s management can look into them and find ways to which we can be able to ensure that we support or facilitate the growth of these objectives. We will also be able to reconcile our company’s objectives and those of every individual so that organizational and individual objectives don’t get in the way of each other or cause any conflicts of interest.

Leadership, despite being an esteemed position that requires skillful individuals, is an indiscriminating position that can accumulate anyone of us, provided that we can fulfill what it takes to be a leader. The organizational leadership philosophy encourages empowerment of every individual so that we are all given a chance to have our leadership potentials nurtured. We will conduct constant observations of every individual, so that we boost the leadership abilities in ourselves. As the organizational keeps growing, we will need to expand and create more departments as well as leadership stages, all of which will require managers. We will also have teams whereby we will have team leaders. All these are meant to stimulate your potentials so that we develop future leaders who will steer this organization.

Lastly, the professional environment is a dynamic one that experiences transitions each day, and not everyone can be able to catch up with these transitions and advancements at once. We should all maintain an open and innovative mind such that we can develop our ways of handling tasks. The organization values flexibility rather than rigidity and provided that your suggestions will be deemed progressive, we will be able to consider them so that we can have various ways to handle tasks and processes. Success is not only defined by achievement of organizational goals, but also success and realization of every individual’s objectives.

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