
Emotional Intelligence Attributes and Self-Assessment

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Emotional intelligence is the ability of a person to manage and identify her or his own emotions and the emotions of other individuals as well (Mindtools.com, 2016). Emotional intelligence is generally thought to include three skills. Emotional awareness is the first skill and it includes the ability of an individual to identify their emotion as well as those of others. The second skill is the ability to harness emotion then applying them to different tasks such as problem solving or critical thinking. The last skill is the ability to manage emotions. This skill requires a person to regulate ones emotions and the ability to calm or cheer a person up.

Each individual has different personalities, different needs and wants. People also have different ways of showing emotions. If a person expects to succeed in life, they need to tactfully navigate through all this. Emotional intelligence involves recognizing ones emotion, understanding it and realizes that your emotions may affect the other individuals (Andrews, 2004). From my test, I can come up with a few attributes that I have in regard to emotional intelligence. Self-awareness is my strong attribute. I understand the emotions of people around me, as such; I do not let my emotions get out of control. I also have the attribute of empathy.
From my second question, the review showed that I am adept in turning into others and their needs. This is a characteristic of a person that has empathy. Empathy is the ability of a person to understand or identify with the needs and wants and the views of people around you. In addition, I have good social skills as seen from the first review. This is exemplified by my ability to read expressions better which allows me to communicate with other individuals easy while minimizing the chance of an argument or quarrel. Using the emotional i8ntelligence attributes that the review showed, I can say that I am a person that has above average emotional intelligence. I can listen to people as well as understand their feelings and communicate to them properly. I can also identify with the needs and want of different individuals and understand their views while controlling my emotions. All these characteristics show that I can learn some other attributes which will help me have a better emotional intelligence.

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Strategies for Developing and Enhancing Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence can be developed and learned. The only way to improve emotional intelligence is through working on the skills which are responsible for emotional intelligence (Ahmed, 2015). Self-awareness is one of the attributes of emotional intelligence. As such, I have come to identify some of the areas that stress me and the situations that generally cause me to have pressure. Handling a person who is crying is one of the situations that give me pressure. As much my empathy attributes is well developed, a person crying is the worst situation I can face. One memory that plays in my mind over and over in this situation is when the person will stop crying. My effective default behavior is keeping silent while holding the person until an individual who can handle the situation arrives.

For me to overcome these problems, I need to develop a strategy were I can develop or enhance my emotional intelligence. One such strategy is my understanding my work environment. The environment around me is important because it defines what I am afraid and what I am not afraid of. The accomplishments that I want should define what I need whether it is a seeking attention or just having humility and helping a person. The latter will develop my confidence and help me have a better emotional intelligence. The second strategy is examining how I react to stressful situations. If I become angry, I need to calm down. In my case, I become calm, as such; I need to be active to think about other things. Lastly, it is by taking responsibility and examining how my actions my affect the other individual. By understanding my impact on the other individual, I might be proud of myself gaining courage and in the long run improving my emotional intelligence.

Strategies Working with Different Leaders with Weak EI and EI Strengths
In a health setting, leaders with strong emotional intelligence are easy to work with. A nurse for example will have to follow all the instructions given and respect the orders given. A doctor who has a strong emotional intelligence understands his or her environment. Such individuals are self-aware of the impact they have on the surrounding. The only strategy needed for such a leader is following the lead. Such leaders have the ability to calm tricky situations and manage under uncertainty. Working with such individuals is simple and a person knows that he can depend on the leader to help in difficult situations.

Working with a leader in a health setting that has a weak emotional intelligence requires an individual especially a nurse to step up. One of the strategies is being self-aware of the strengths you possess and the weakness. By identifying these areas, a nurse will be confident about himself thereby managing under uncertainty in a proper manner. The healthcare worker will have the nerves to calm down individuals in case a problematic situation arises. Another strategy is by identifying the weaknesses and strengths of the weak leader and covering up for the weak spots while making sure that the leader does not panic in a state of uncertainty.

  • Mindtools.com,. (2016). Emotional Intelligence: Developing Strong.
  • Andrews, L. (2004). Emotional intelligence. New York: F. Watts.
  • Ahmed, M. (2015). Emotional Intelligence Is Synergy in Intelligence. Psychology, 06(04), 447- 455.

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