
Emotional Intelligence Case Study

388 words | 2 page(s)

Emotional intelligence is one of the most powerful tools in nursing practice. This because it promotes the ability of the nursing experts and the leaders to apply their skills and knowledge towards making decisions in critical moments of nursing practice. The application of essential emotional abilities in nursing practice is elemental for advanced clinical practice professionals because it can enhance their ability to manage and control the work environments that often demand the application of extreme mental abilities (Amendolair, 2003). The strategic assessment of situation in its environment of existence against the standard protocols of practice is a critical construct of the high-quality decisions in nursing practice.

Chris Farman’s case is a typical representation of situation that requires the application of emotional intelligence in making decisions (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 2012). One of the essential entities of emotional intelligence is the ability of a nursing leader tom empower other people towards health care activities. Some of the people that can be subjected to health literacy include the patients and the other experts that are engaged in the delivery of services to the consumers. Banck’s decision to empower Farman in the management of his dialysis challenges is a manifestation of the application of emotional intelligence. This is because Banck has took the initiative to give Farman the required information and skills that enabled him manage his health condition. In I was a nurse in this case, I would have embraced the same decision as Banck.

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First, this is because the decision is important towards giving the patient his autonomy to make crucial decisions towards his health (Kooker, Jan & Codier, 2007). Second, patient education is imperative towards the improvement of the quality of health care services administered to the patients. As an advanced clinical practice expert, besides the education that Banck gave to the patient, I would have inspired a positive cultural transformation to the patient in order to have a good lifestyle as one of the empowerment procedures that would enhance the health of the patient.

  • Institute for Healthcare Improvement, (2012). A Patient Direct his Own care. IHI Annual Report Knowledge Center. Available at https://lmscontent.embanet.com
  • Amendolair, D. (2003). Emotional Intelligence: Essential for Developing Nurse Leaders. Nurse Leader Publication Available at https://lmscontent.embanet.com
  • Kooker, B.M., Jan, S. & Codier, E. (2007). Identifying Emotional Intelligence in Professional Nursing Practice.

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