
Emotionally Incompetent Behaviours – Bad Attitude

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The manner in which an individual behaves at the workplace is fundamental in not only determining the individual’s performance but also the performance of his or her colleagues at the organization. Noteworthy, bad behavior always negatively impacts business. Therefore, if not stopped, it is likely to bring irreparable results in the long run (Cherniss, et al., 2008). Good behavior is, in particular, a crucial factor in healthcare facilities. As such, employers in healthcare facilities must have the skills to investigate and train their workers against bad behavior at the workplace for the success of an organization.

An example of bad behavior that is usually portrayed at the workplace is displaying bad attitude. To provide quality care in any healthcare facilities, the medical practitioners must always portray exemplary attitudes to their patients to encourage them on whatever condition they may be suffering from. Therefore, if I am an HR manager in a healthcare facility and I came across a nurse who has a bad attitude towards his patients and co-workers at the workplace, I would utilize the following approach or processes to determine his troubling behavior and determine that the employee needs sensitivity training.

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To determine whether or not he needs sensitivity training, I would personally observe him and secretly appoint co-workers to observe his behavior towards the patients. Besides, I would use a secret suggestion box to gather thoughts to get the thoughts of the patient’s on the service offered by each practitioner. The suggestion box is paramount in getting sensitive anonymous information from customers and workers (Porter-O’Grady and Malloch, 2015). If it gets to my attention that this person gets noticeably annoyed, frustrated or irritated when addressing the patients or his co-workers, then I will be able to determine that he needs a sensitivity training.

Furthermore, to determine the specific troubling behavior that he has, I would first approach a few selected patients that the nurse attended to and investigated their experience with him as well as some co-workers. I would then summon the nurse privately and present him with complains that have come to my attention. His reaction to the allegations will also help in investigating his behavior.

  • Cherniss, C., Goleman, D., Emmerling, R., Cowan, K., & Adler, M. (2008). Bringing emotional intelligence to the workplace. New Brunswick, NJ: Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, Rutgers University.
  • Porter-O’Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2015). Quantum Leadership: Building Partnerships for Sustainable Health.

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