
Entrepreneurial Idea

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Sir Richard Branson is a British national who was born in London in the year 1950 (ANGIER, & POND, 2005, p. 25). He currently has 3 children. Branson is the 4th richest person in the United Kingdom with a net worth of $5 billion as illustrated by Forbes (Forbes.com, 2015). He is also among the richest kingpins in the world presently. Branson unlike other billionaires did not inherit his fortune. He was a school dropout and first started his company the virgin Group which currently has over 400 companies.

Branson is the ideal inspirational entrepreneur for aspiring business people. First, he grew up from humble beginnings. He demonstrates that it is not a must for a person to have large capital to start a successful business but what a person requires is the will and determination. In addition, Branson was a dropout student ad this gives an impression that school does not make you who you are but it is a person who makes him or herself.

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The number of companies that Branson Company virgin Group has is a testament of a successful entrepreneur. His companies employ many individuals over the world from the United States, Europe, South Africa and some Asian countries. It is highly unlikely that there is any other entrepreneur that has a vast amount of business ventures in the word and at the same time posting high revenues every year. Branson also is involved in a number of humanitarian services across the world. This makes him an ideal person in talking to the different classes of entrepreneurs. In conclusion, Branson is the ideal person who can inspire entrepreneurs all over the world.

Traditionally, the Kenyan people have been keeping dogs for various reasons. Other communities use it to guard their homestead while others use it for hunting wild animals. The rearing of dogs is not a new thing in the east African country. Since early 2000, many foreigners have travelled to Kenya because of its beautiful landscapes and the variety of wild animals in the various national parks and game reserves (Nairobi.usembassy.gov, 2015). This has enabled others to live in Kenya coupled with the number of the expat community who are coming to work for the different international organizations. Nairobi being one of the fastest growing cities in Africa in 2015 has further catapulted in the international community making it a favorable destination among the expat community.

A luxury dog spa and hotel in Nairobi will be a successful venture in Kenya. Nairobi has all classes of people living in different areas. As witnessed by the growing number of dog rearing business ventures it is evident that many people are adopting dogs in Nairobi. The local community coupled with the increasing expat community presents a favorable market for a dog spa and hotel.

People from the United States and Europe amount to a great number of the expats community in Nairobi approximately over 1.3 million (Expat Arrivals, 2015). There is also an influx of Chinese citizens in Nairobi because of the increased trade partnerships between the two countries. It is highly likely that a dog spa will be a successful business venture. Although at first it may be slow in picking up, people will eventually learn about it becoming a successful business.

  • Nairobi.usembassy.gov, (2015). Doing Business in Kenya | Embassy of the United States. [online] Available at: http://nairobi.usembassy.gov
  • Expat Arrivals, (2015). Moving to Kenya. [online] Available at: http://www.expatarrivals.com/
  • Angier, M., & POND, S. (2005). 101 best ways to get ahead: solid gold advice from 101 of the world’s most successful people. South Burlington, VT, Success Networks International, Inc.
  • Forbes.com, (2015). Welcome to Forbes. [online] Available at: http://www.forbes.com

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