
Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology

667 words | 3 page(s)

EBPP mainly seeks to address the connection that exists between greatest accessible research with the expertise of clinicians in regard to patient preferences, culture, and characteristics (Levant & Hassan, 2008). It is important to establish a good base through which clinicians and patients get to understand each other adequately and effectively. Besides, EBPP clearly states that the patient should be given the first preference by the clinicians. This paper thus intends to discuss on the relationship between APA and EBPP as seen in the movie, It’s a Funny Kind of Story.

First, Craig’s quest for treatment encountered consistency and inconsistency with the APA’s definition of EBPP (Schager, 2010). Clinical expertise requires setting of goals and tasks in treatment planning through paying attention to the specific patient and to their nature of challenges and concerns (Levant & Hassan, 2008). It also gives more importance on identification and integration of the topmost research evidence in relation to the clinical data. Dr. Mahmoud proves his expertise when he registers Craig for seven days to study Craig’s characteristics and to be able to record information during treatment.

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Furthermore, the therapy was ineffective since despite Craig’s disorder having a clear body of evidence, which would confirm a specific treatment, it was never considered. Evidently, before Craig went into the hospital, he had contemplated of committing suicide and when it got serious, that is when he finally went into the hospital. He went seeking for an immediate treatment which was disregarded by Dr. Mahmoud. Another case of inconsistency is in the consideration of Craig’s characteristics as required by APA. Essentially, the effectiveness of psychological services comes about when they respond to the patient’s unique challenges (Levant & Hassan, 2008). However, Craig was placed together with adults who other than giving him comfort initially terrified him. Therefore, his needs were not independently considered which proved inconsistency. Culturally, Craig was supposed to be placed in the teenagers department but unfortunately, he was placed together with adults who had distinct characteristics other than his age mates. This was a clear show of difference in treatment procedures of the both age groups.

Craig’s interaction with Bobby helps in treating the disorder eminent in Bobby (Schager, 2010). One major component of Bobby’s experience is his social and environmental context that stresses him up. Necessarily, individual differences seek to monitor the development of patients and life-stages. As EBPP dictates, other considerations should be made when focusing on the best treatment. Again, variables such as age, gender, religious standings, and family context play a major role. Bobby’s first worry of what he should wear during his upcoming interview is immediately solved by Craig through his offer of borrowing from his father, dress shirts that Bobby could wear into the interview.

This later on builds confidence on Bobby, Craig, and Noelle which signifies another component of having an insight of the influence of contextual, individual, and cultural disparities on treatment (Schager, 2010). The closeness of Craig and Bobby thereafter make Bobby admit that the reason for his presence in the hospital was as a result of his six attempted suicide cases. This solves some of the inner challenges that Bobby had been encountering without Clinicians assistaning nor monitoring the development process that could see some changes occurring in the efforts to treat him.

The efficacy of the treatment is derived from experiences and interactions between the patients. Craig’s impact on Bobby does not only aid Bobby alone but also Noelle who later becomes Craig’s love. The impact happens as a result of another component known as Interpersonal expertise which exists as a therapeutic relationship intended to positively create expectations and also respond empathically to the implicit and explicit concerns and expectations of most patients. When Craig deals and reasons with Bobby, he offers solutions out of empathy which establishes a bond of trust through which they can all reason together and reach solutions. Although it does not completely treat Bobby’s and Craig’s disorders, it plays a major role in making worthy steps towards full treatment of the three fore-stated individuals.

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