
Extracurricular Activities and Adolescent Development

379 words | 2 page(s)

A review of the article “Extracurricular Activities and Adolescent Development” by Eccles, Barber, Stone & Hunt offered significant insight into the protective aspects of involvement in extracurricular activities. Overall, involvement by adolescents in extracurricular activities appears to decrease the likelihood of risk-taking behavior. The authors examined different forms of extracurricular activities. Females were more active in all forms of extra-curricular activities with the exception of sports.

In their study, Eccles et al (2008) examined the possible reasons why extracurricular activities were protective. These include improved self-esteem and exposure to other peers with positive goals. They also discussed the harmful effects of dropping out of an extracurricular activity, such as a sport. This removes the exposure to like-minded peers. It also can affect the identity of the adolescent. Particularly for sports, the participation helps create a positive identity.

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I found the article interesting because it encourages such heavy involvement in extracurricular activities. Often, parents are warned not to become the “soccer mom” who shuttles a child from activity to activity. These actually are very good for the adolescent. I also thought that the lack of female involvement in sports needs further examination. Since sports are so healthy for the mind and the body, females need to be further encouraged to participate. Schools and community groups may need to find activities that appeal to females.

I absolutely agree with the findings of the article. While there may be too many activities for an individual, they are helpful in development. It obviously is good for anyone to spend time with motivated individuals who seek to achieve personal goals. Motivation often is contagious.

A current concern related to this is the continual budgetary problems affecting communities. Often, when budget cuts are necessary, extracurricular activities are eliminated. I would like to see more research on the actual economic benefits of extracurricular activities. Obviously, if adolescents engage in positive behaviors, they are less at risk for dropping out of school and delinquency. These have known serious economic impacts. It would therefore make sense to question the economic impact of extracurricular activities. It may save them during budget cuts.

  • Eccles, JS., Barber, BL., Stone, M., & Hunt, J. (2008) “Extracurricular activities and adolescent development. In BS Stern & MC Kysilka (Ed.) Contemporary Readings in Curriculum (pp. 171-182). Thousand Oaks: SAGE.

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