
Fast Food vs. Homecooked Meals

620 words | 3 page(s)

Fast food has acquired quite a negative reputation in America because it is considered one of the major culprits behind the nation’s obesity crisis. Even fast food companies are aware of this which may be why they are increasingly trying to offer healthier options and spending considerable resources on public relations efforts to improve their image. Fast food may be socially more unpopular than homecooked meals but both have their advantages and shortcomings.

One of the areas in which fast food is better than homecooked meals is time advantage. It takes time to prepare homecooked meals which could even stretch into hours. On the other hand, fast food meal can be readily obtained in minutes, depending upon the restaurant service. Commute is not a major issue since there are fast food restaurants at almost every corner in America’s streets. Many fast food establishments even offer delivery services, thus, one can do whatever he is doing until the food arrives. This time advantage particularly appeals to Americans because their work lives are getting busier which leaves little time for other activities.

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Another area in which fast food takes lead over homecooked meals is convenience. It doesn’t only make life easier but also helps Americans save energy for other more productive activities. The option of fast food may also lead to less stress because an individual has one less thing to worry about after a long day of work.

But fast food does lose to homecooked meals when it comes to health and nutrition which is why it is often blamed for the nation’s obesity crisis. An individual has more control over what goes into his homecooked meals in terms of both ingredient quantity and type as compared to fast food meals. Similarly, healthier options at fast food restaurants cannot compare to the healthier options under homecooked meals. This greater flexibility may allow an individual to include more fruits and vegetables in children’s meals. Similarly, unprocessed food items are often healthier than processed items and are more likely to be part of homecooked meals as compared to fast food restaurants’ menu.

Many people assume fast food is more economical but the opposite is actually true in many cases, especially when one plans smart. Not only the direct economic benefits of homecooked meals usually exceed fast food meals but also the indirect economic benefits. First of all, homecooked meals benefit from economies of scale as compared to fast food items that are usually priced individually and, hence, appear cheaper at first. For example, a homecooked meal that might have cost $8 to prepare and enjoyed by four people would have cost $2 per person only. On the other hand, a $2 fast food item is not likely to satisfy one’s hunger. Similarly, the average cost of homecooked meal could be lowered even more by preparing in bulk and storing for the next few days. One of the indirect economic benefits of homecooked meals come in the form of fewer doctor visits due to better health. Frequent consumption of fast food items is more likely to lead to health issues and, thus, higher health costs.

It is clear that both fast food and homecooked meals have their respective benefits and shortcomings. Fast food meals offer time and convenience benefits while homecooked meals are healthier and may be far more economical, both in direct and indirect terms. It may not always be possible to avoid fast food meals because of factors such as busier life schedules, social outings, and travelling but one should opt for homecooked meals whenever circumstances allow it.

  • Wright, Kathy. 3 reasons to be eat a home cooked meal not just at Thanksgiving but all year long. 28 November 2013. 30 November 2014 .

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