
Gehnry’s Work

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Question One
Gehnry is a very creative architect. This is because most of his works are very special. An example of his work is the ‘Barcelona Gehnry Fish.’ His commitment was exhibited when he told his assistant that they needed to employ a very creative and special approach in designing. He focused on the smooth side of his model to come up with ideas that he made look corrugate. After that he said, “That is so stupid-looking, it is great.” This is a portrayal of a free, random and special process of creation. This is because he had no specific and actual images in his mind at the beginning of the creation. As took more time looking and feeling his model, his background knowledge initiated the creation of great ideas. Consequently, he asked his assistant to apply the new ideas created immediately in order to see the outcomes and acquire more inspiration.

Question Two
I think the processes of creating sketches and writing are similar. Gehry mentioned that it is hard to start a sketch. He has to get good preparations like cleaning up his desk. During the process, he always delays or gives up some sketches. Sometimes he does not have ideas of what to draw. In the process of writing, starting is also very difficult. Therefore, I also clean up my desk and drink some coffee to achieve more concentration so as to facilitate brainstorming. However, it is also hard to write something perfect once. This is because some drafts can be rejected prematurely, and rewriting begins. Just like the way Gehnry stares at his model in his artistic process, also writing involves stopping reading through after wring some paragraphs so as to make changes in the faulty sentences. Changing the structure of the sentences is similar to Gehnry’s endeavors of adding corrugate style wall for his models. The more I write on the paper, the more I know what I should improve for my writing. Gehry also has a better understanding of his creation after his model has color and built in a bigger size.

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Question Three
I like the Barcelona Gehry Fish more than any other work advanced by Gehnry. This is because it looks very fresh and interesting. It has a simple shape of a fish. Its huge size is also very interesting. The color of the structure forms a good blend with the sunrise color which matches the beach in front of it. There are all kinds of tall buildings in cities, so it is fresh and interesting to see a fish-shape structure. I also think fish gives me a peaceful feeling. If I am lying on the beach and watching this interesting structure, I will feel relaxed and have a lot of pleasure. 

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