
Student Union Building

578 words | 2 page(s)

It is a wonderful thing to have a building like the Student Union at Idaho State University, the most important building I have dealt with thus far. Why should we visit this building at least one time each semester? My opinion is that this visit is a necessity due to the fact that we must complete our registration at the beginning of the semester; for International students, this means dealing with the international office given our ties as International students. Idaho State University is comprised of several different buildings, many of which have their own Student Union attached. There are several things that show why the Student Union building in Idaho State University is important, making it a place for the congregation of students of all nationalities.

Most students know what the Student union looks like and what it has. In the Student Union building there is the dining hall, a ballroom, a cinema, restaurants, the ISU bank, and a games hall. All of these different areas work to make the students feel as though they are at home, giving the place a familiarity that would not otherwise be present. For example, before I came to ISU I thought it was going to be too complicated and too complex, but once I realized that the Student Union was an entertainment venue available to all students I started to feel more at home and less overwhelmed. If the Student Union building was open all the time, 24 hours a day, as I have heard from students, it will be interesting for all students visiting the building.

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The building is located in the north-eastern part of the ISU campus, in a place close to the large parking area. It is possible to see the building wherever you go, just by looking for the clock tower. When students come to the ISU campus from the North, they should follow Martin Luther King Jr Way Street southwards till 8th Ave and then turn left. After almost thirty feet you will see the Student Union building on the right. To the East, the students can see the Clock Tower. If students are coming from the West they will be unable to see the building because there are several buildings obscure the Student Union building.

The best place I have visited so far on campus is the Student Union building. When students want to study, the Student Union offers the perfect environment, with designated study areas located in the third floor by the lab, on the second floor behind the restaurants and there is a small place on the first floor near the games hall. These areas are often full during the day due to the amount of students who wish to study in clear and quiet place. In my opinion, I have learned more from studying in the Student Union than I have by studying in my home.

In conclusion, the Student Union building has a lot of features that make it stand out, especially when compared to the other buildings on campus. The students at ISU are looking for the buildings they are able to obtain the greatest benefits from; of those, the Student Union is at the top of the list. It has a good environment for studying with a variety of different optiojns available containing many tables and chairs on each floor. I advise ISU students to try studying in the Student Union to see the advantages it will afford them.

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