
Germination of Seeds

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Seed germination has the focus of research by many scientists for a long time. It is important to understand the nature of plants because sometimes they need preservation and protection from man’s environmentally abusive agendas. In one article published in volume 59 of The Southwestern Naturalist, a hypothesis was confirmed regarding the germination of three cactus species. The title is, Effect of Seed Burial in Different Soils on the Germination of Three Specially Protected Cactus Species.

The group of scientists determined that seed germination as lower when seeds were buried, whereas those that were on the surface of the soil had a higher germination rate. This was only true for two of the three species included in the experiment. The species that had no germination success was E. longisetus. For the failure of E. longisetus, the scientists offered a few possible explanations. They suggested that seed dormancy in this species was a strategy. This is apparently a strategy shared among various species. This is a protective mode induced by lack of water, or extreme temperatures. Lastly, the authors suggested that although buried seeds were less likely to germinate, (and sometimes not at all), buried seeds are safe from fungal attacks, seed predation and trampling. (Perez, et. al., 2014)

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In a different type of experiment that involved the germination of seeds, scientists tested three variables. The variables were temperature, soil type and soil herbicides. As expected, the effect of the herbicide depended largely on the type of soil in which it was used. For example, it was noted that sandy soil allowed for mesotrione to be more effective than the other two herbicides. Sandy soil has a low organic matter content, while mesotrione is highly soluble in water and is more available to the milkweed seedlings. Another conclusive finding had to do with temperature. Milkweed can germinate in a variety of temperatures though it favors 21 degrees Celcius. Finally, all of the herbicides used in the study proved to be of good use for controlling the growth of common milkweed. It is best to have the herbicides available at the early stages of growth.

  • Muro-Pérez, G., Jurado, E., Flores, J., & Sánchez-Salas, J. (2014). Effect of seed burial in different soils on the germination of three specially protected cactus species. The Southwestern Naturalist, 59(3), 344-348. doi:10.1894/mla-06.1
  • Radivojevic, L., Saric-Krsmanovic, M., Gajic Umiljendic, J., Bozic, D., & Santric, L. (2016). The Impacts of Temperature, Soil Type and Soil Herbicides on Seed Germination and Early Establishment of Common Milkweed. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 44(1). doi:10.15835/nbha.44.1.10265

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