
Health and Illness in Diverse Culture

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In Columbus city Ohio, Asians constitute 4.1% of the total population. Despite their low numbers, the group’s culture and lifestyle make them unique. Asians are frequently criticized for their restrained approach to verbal communication. Instead, they prefer to utilize nonverbal modes of communication (Gudykunst, 2001). Asians’ preference for nonverbal methods of communication complicates the provision of medical services to their localities. However, the group illustrates close working relations with individuals whom they share the same culture. In fact, their social organization revolves around ethnic and racial segregation.

Asians exhibit a collectivist culture with strong family values. The culture restricts their interactions with people from other cultures. Moreover, this attribute eliminates the distinctions between private and public space between family members. Asians are strict with time. Their views on time are greatly attributed to cultural interactions between them and their white counterparts (Lewis, 2014). Globalization has significantly accelerated this cultural interplay. Currently, it is difficult to differentiate between Asians and whites due to their converging views on time.

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Furthermore, Asians are greatly concerned about environmental control. Meyfroidt (2013) maintains that Asians’ environmental awareness emanates from their social construction. Their social lifestyle requires the use of nature-friendly resources and means of production. Several studies reveal significant biological variations between Asians and African Americans. According to Uehara and Belay (2012), Asians are susceptible to Kawasaki disease due to their genetic characteristics. The efficiency of applying these perceptions in the healthcare sector is essential in devising effective control measures.

In fact, understanding these perceptions and patients’ diverse culture is the key to improved healthcare services (Spector, 2002). Although several researchers in the field of medicine are against the use of such opinions, they are vital in preventive healthcare. For instance, when an Asian comes for medical screening, these perceptions are essential in determining the type of tests that a health practitioner can conduct.

  • Gudykunst, W. B. (2001). Asian American Ethnicity and Communication. London: SAGE.
  • Lewis, R. (2014, June 1). How Different Cultures Understand Time. Retrieved from Business insider: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-different-cultures-understand-time-2014-5?IR=T
  • Meyfroidt, P. (2013). Environmental cognitions, land change, and social–ecological feedbacks: An overview. Journal of Land Use Science, 8(3), 341-367. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1747423X.2012.667452
  • Spector, R. E. (2002). Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 197-199.
  • Uehara, R., & Belay, E. D. (2012). Epidemiology of Kawasaki Disease in Asia, Europe, and the United States. Journal of Epidemiology, 22(2), 79-85. doi:10.2188/jea.JE20110131

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