
Health Innovations Essay

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The needs and expectation of health care consumers are subjected to consistent changes in the society today. This is due to the influence of the revolutions experienced in the social, cultural, political and economic perspectives among the healthcare consumers and service providers. The high rate of globalization and information systems has also been very instrumental in the regulation of various aspects associated with healthcare. In order to keep pace with the progressions in the industry, innovations and creativity have been very elemental in the industry (Novelline, 2007). The innovations and scientific creations have led to the emergence of sophisticated medical procedures that have assisted in the increase of the quality of healthcare services through the discovery of interventions and procedures customized to the needs of the people.

Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen is one of the scientists that led to the transition of healthcare procedures through the acquisition of safer and more effective mechanisms than the traditional methods. Rontgen is famous for his discovery of the X-rays. Rontgen was born on the 27th day of March in the year 1845 in Germany. He was born the only child of a merchant in the cloth industry, and while he was still a child, his family moved to Amsterdam where he started his education. His unique characteristics and educational abilities were very instrumental towards his life as a scientist and towards revolution in the medical industry.

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As a physics expert, his love for nature and discovery exposed him to special interests that were enhanced by his aptitude and educational proficiency (Fitzgerald, 2000). His skills and abilities have were recognized in various acknowledgments, and this was very important towards giving the motivation and desire to make more innovations and discoveries. The recognitions also exposed to more opportunities to undertake research at world-class learning institutions that led to his reputation.

The discovery of X-rays was not anticipated, but it came while Rontgen was undertaking his daily chores in physics experimentations. Rontgen made the discovery of x-rays in 1895 while he was doing experiments with cathode rays. The rays were being produced at low voltage and pressure between metal plates that were two. Even though there was some shielding on the glass tube, Rontgen discovered the appearance of some light on a screen that was away. Further experiments led to the discovery that the radiations were penetrating and could produce some images that were not usual. One week later, Rontgen used the rays on the hands of his wife, and the result was an image that was identical to the X-ray images used presently (Novelline, 2007). Her wedding ring and the framework of bones were very visible. He used x, to name it because it was unknown to him, and in some instances, they are referred to as Rontgen rays.

The discovery marked on of the most important medical procedures used in the world today. The use of the x-ray technology inspired the advent of numerous technologies that assist the medical experts in the evaluation and assessment of patients. The development of images is important because the medical practitioners are able to develop interventions that are customized to suit the medical needs of the consumers through strategic study of the inconsistencies in the bone structures. Numerous scientific examinations are also undertaken by the use of x-ray technology (Fitzgerald, 2000). X-rays are part of the medical revolution that has been advanced in the world today. The x-rays are used in the detection and diagnosis of tumors in the body. The x-rays can also be applied to the destruction of the cancerous cells among the victims because of their high energy level.

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