
Hippo Roller Water Project

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It is imperatively devastating that at the moment; approximately 750 million people have no access to clean water (Goodwin, 2007). That means that most women and children are usually forced to walk for long distances with heavy barrels of the water trying to gain access to clean water. Thankfully, hippo roller project is a great innovation that has been designed with a prime purpose of resolving the challenge. It creates efficiency in transporting water from one point to the next.

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Advantages of Hippo roller water project
Hippo Roller project has made it easier for women and children to carry water from the water sources to their homes with ease by rolling the barrel on the ground. Apart from that, the designers of the innovation have also been imperative that the barrel has a capacity of about five times more than the standard water buckets that are usually carried by women and children. It is also great that despite being rolled on the ground, hippo roller has made it easier to protect clean water from contacting harmful substances during the transportation course. Finally, water roller has bolstered access to safe drinking water in the rural community because women and children are no longer required to strain to get water to their homes (Goodwin, 2007).

Disadvantages of Hippo roller water project
Despite the fact that the innovation has created a sense of improvement in the transportation of water, it does not provide a robust solution to the water crisis. In addition to that, the roller is usually warned out with time. It is also expensive to acquire compared to the ordinary water bucket. The fact that it is made with polyethylene also means that it can contribute to environmental degradation (Goodwin, 2007).

To sum up, it is imperatively justified that hippo roller water project is a great innovation that has improved access to water by creating efficiency in the transportation of water from one point to the next. In addition to that, the technology has also bolstered health hygiene. Although the use of technology has offered some relief to women and children who are no longer required to walk for long distances to collect water, it has improved the status quo a great deal. Hence, measures should be put in place to educate the members of the community about the innovation and why they should apprehend its use (Goodwin, 2007).

  • Goodwin, Harold. “No water, no future.” ICRT Occasional Paper 9 (2007): 1-39.

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