
Homework Policy for Elementary Math Class

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The teacher will be responsible for assigning homework that is appropriate for a fourth grade math classroom. The teacher should mark it regularly. He/she should ensure all the students have recorded all the details of the homework on their diaries. The teacher will consult with the class at the beginning of each year to come up with the best homework plan. The teacher will present the homework policy to the students in class and explain to students the most beneficial method of planner use.

Role of parents
The parents should check on their children’s diary weekly to ensure they are on the right track. They should provide the students with suitable place and time to work on their homework. They should ensure the students meet the deadlines of the homework. This will be communicated as a necessary course of action at the start of the school year either through parent teacher conferences, open houses, or through information sent home with the student.

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Organization of the homework
All the students in the elementary math class should possess a personal diary/organizer. They should carry this diary to school to record their respective homework. The teacher and parents will be mandated to check these diaries on a weekly basis. Students will turn in homework weekly into the homework bin on the teacher’s desk. All homework will be graded within the week based on a 100 point scale and will be returned to the students once graded.

Failure of completion of homework
Failure to do the homework or late submission will attract an appropriate action by the teacher depending on the situation. This could mean punishments such as deduction of points or zero point for the homework. There will be zero tolerance for non-completion of math homework. Elementary math homework submission is very crucial to the development of the student in the class

Homework and preparedness
Punctuality and preparedness is crucial in elementary math class. Students are required to be present at all times in the class unless on unavoidable circumstances. Students will not be penalized for being absent. Conversely, students who fail to make up for the missed homework will be penalized. Points on the overall score will be deducted for missed assignments.

On each marking session, all the students start with a 100% score for preparedness and homework. However, points will be deducted as follows. 10% of the total points will be deducted for each missed math homework assignment, 5% will be deducted for each late submission and 3% percent will be deducted when the student is unprepared. The students can only submit late or missed assignments at lunch time or after school so as not to disturb the classroom. Students will be deemed unprepared if they do not turn in at least 90% of homework assignments. Missing assignments are all assignments not turned in.

Appeal of marks
For the elementary math class, if a student feels the teacher has incorrectly marked their work, they are free to appeal to the teacher. However, this can only be done on the next two classes. The affected students should provide supporting evidence to the teacher while appealing his/her case.

Justification of Policy
In working to identify clearly the role of the teacher, the role of the parents, the organization of the homework, the consequences that students will face, their required levels of preparedness, and their ability to make up their grades, the focus of the homework will be placed on getting good grades, which requires the students to know the material. As a result of this focus, the appropriate study habits will be instilled in the students, making it ideal for use in a fourth grade classroom, as the students will have the discipline to complete assignments, yet will still be able to easily form new study habits (Brazos Higher Education Service Corporation, 2014).

The students are extrinsically motivated to work harder and make up for the missed assignments to get the points back and improve their grade. The tough rules on homework submission and preparedness ensure that the students are disciplined. Most of the students will strive to get good grades, therefore, will ensure they make up to the missed homework and improve on their preparedness (Protheroe, 2009).

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