
Human Resource

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As the human resource manager at Quality Medicare Clinic, there are various organizational functionalities that I would address to ensure that there is continued sustainability at the clinic as four more healthcare personnel are on the brink of joining that current workforce. More specifically, I would primarily revisit my human resource management competency skills that I have acquired so far. I have already designed techniques for necessitating capacity building in the clinic together with the other oncoming stakeholders (Lussier & Hendon, 2013). Besides that, I would design a commitment building mechanism through the designing of strategies and procedures for recruiting the two administrative personnel according to their qualifications and competencies.

After they have been hired, I would train them to acquire skills and flexibilities that are important in handling arising challenges on due course. I will also promote collaboration and team work in the clinic. In retrospect to that, I will also ensure that all employees are skilled and trained accordingly to perform their tasks. Also, I will take part in the assigning of duties and encouraging the oncoming employees to stick to their duties and consequently encourage them to offer their best. I will also take part in suggesting employee training strategies alongside the development goals that would assist the clinic to its feet (Glaister, 2013).

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The hiring procedure that I have put in place for the two administrators would primarily depend on merit. On that regard, both the clerk and the medical supply specialist should have should have valid certificate of completion and operation alongside high degree of efficiency and professionalism in their areas of specialization (Glaister, 2013). In addition to that, the fact that our clinic will primarily depend on our competence and performance scores means that our hiring will rely on experience and high degree of competence of the two administrative personnel. Nonetheless, I would publicize the position to ensure that all potential people with varied qualifications of filling the void are provided with equal opportunities of being hired.

We understand that employees are the main drivers of our company and as the human resource manager; my duty is to work closely with the other members of the management to ensure that our employees are valued. More specifically, I have set measures that will empower the two administrative personnel and the healthcare professionals to gain from our underlying benefits and compensation plans. Various benefits will be offered under our benefits plans and it will be upon the employees to choose two or more benefits that will consist of qualified benefits as well as cash. They include; reimbursement accounts, health care, life insurance. In retrospect to that, the benefits plan will also offer dismemberment coverage, accidental death, long-term disability, and vocational benefits. Moreover, spouse accidental death, retirement savings, and dependent care are also part of the benefits that have been incorporated into our benefits plan (Saini & Singh, 2011).

The fact that we value our employees and will do anything to support their families has also made us incorporate a benefit plan that will assist the families of our employees. For instance, our benefits plan will ensure that other than serving to address the daily financial needs of our employees, children will also occupy a little section of the healthcare insurance benefits that are usually provided to the employees to ensure that the whole family is covered. Besides that, we have also incorporated a retirement benefits plan that the employees can choose and maximize their income earnings as they approach retirement age. For the young couples, our benefits plan will ensure that as children grow old, other benefits will also be provided to cover for their needs (Lussier & Hendon, 2013).

I have already designed a plan that will foresee effective settlement of the four oncoming personnel that would be coming on board in the next couple of weeks. Once the professionals are on board, I would introduce them to the mission and the vision of the clinic to ensure that they are conversant with the requirements of our underlying workforce. I believe that shared vision and mission in any organizational set up is the core foundation of success (McQuerrey, 2012).

More specifically, an organization that has cultivated a culture that are substantially envisioned towards the fulfillment of particular objective has better chances of succeeding in the accomplishment of its missions compared to an organization that has not set proper strategies for the implementation of its goals. Thus, proper stipulation of organizational goals and objectives should be upheld and apprehended at all times for the achievement of success. On that regard, I would introduce the employees and all organizational manpower to the culture, mission, vision, and even objectives of the firm to ensure that their efforts are redirected towards that fulfillment of the underlying goals of the clinic and more importantly to ensure that we provide quality clinical services to the people (Saini & Singh, 2011).

There are various training and development methods that I have aligned for the four personnel that would be joining Quality Medicare Clinic. I understand that subjecting new employees to training programs is a proven way of ensuring that there is continuity in the quality of services that we offer to our clients. I would analyze all job descriptions of the oncoming employees to ensure that all its requirements are met during training practices. In addition to that, I would design measures that will necessitate the sharing of job experience between workers who will be joining the clinic and the other ones who are already in service (McQuerrey, 2012).

The completion of this assignment has alleviated my level of understanding about the position of a human resource manager. Other than requiring mental flexibilities and effective decision making competence, operating in line with the mission and vision of the organization is the core corner post of success in the profession. I have also learned that being prepared in advance for the possible changes is also an important aspect that should be kept into consideration at all times. In conclusion, it is important to note that human resource managers are remarkable pillars that are there to cultivate success at every departmental level (Lussier & Hendon, 2013).

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