
Importance of Early Childhood Education

325 words | 2 page(s)

The importance and lasting effects of early childhood education cannot be underestimated. It not only lays the foundation for practical skills that are necessary in order to succeed in life, but it also helps steer people towards a particular career. Education comes in many different forms and does not necessarily just refer to academia. It also includes such factors as social skills, physical abilities, and emotional intelligence. It is of note that the influence of parents and the overall home environment is equally important in helping children succeed.

Research shows that the earlier a child is integrated into the educational system, the more successful he/she will have in life. Proponents stress the importance of preschool and how children that are enrolled in preschool are better prepared for kindergarten. These same children fair better in their overall academic studies than those who did not attend preschool. In addition, they have better-developed social skills and have an easier time coping with stress.

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Scientists have also determined that the brain is very sensitive to information during the first three years of life. Neurobiologists in the field of developmental psychology postulate that because the brain is forming new synapses (connections between neurons) at a rapid rate during these years, children are able to learn and retain new information much faster than older children or adults. The brain has the “highest potential” during this time and quality education will ensure the most promising results for a young child’s future.

The emphasis is on “early” because as Watson once said, children are a “blank slate” and whatever influences (positive and negative) they are exposed to, will follow them for the rest of their lives. Children have the capacity to absorb information “like sponges;” thus, exposing them to early educational experiences is likely to give them the head start they need to succeed in today competitive world. For the future: it is never too early to play Mozart’s Concertos!

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