
Importance of Wireless Technology

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The research survey was carefully designed to not only understand students” views on cellphone use in academic environment but also students” usage patterns and the effects of cellphone on their daily lives. It is apparent from the survey responses that cellphone are a commodity in the same way, TVs used to be a commodity in pre-cellphone days. Cellphone has moved from simply being a communication device to being a mini computer and the invasion of technology has made it an inevitable part of our daily lives, even if involuntarily.

Even though some of the students disagreed that wireless technology would be important in their professional lives, there was a common understanding that completely avoiding technology is almost impossible. The disagreement basically reflected their view that technology”s importance has been overemphasized. It is also a common realization today that technology has become so ubiquitous that it is not a source of competitive advantage anymore but in fact a minimum requirement to stay competitive.

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There were few surprises as well. Even though technology such as cellphone has made it possible to stay connected round-the-clock, it has not necessarily led to stronger relationships. Ironically, it has only led to detachment from the rest of the world which explains why texting has been gaining popularity over voice communication because it protects the users” privacy better and allow them to be who they are instead of conforming to the formalities that accompany verbal communication whether face-to-face or over-the-phone.

The survey”s results have also helped dismiss some of the common beliefs about the benefits of technology such as social networks. Even though social networks are assumed to democratize information, the participants view social networks as more a source of entertainment rather than information. It is possible that their views may change over time as they begin search for jobs and utilize data from social networks during their professional careers but so far, most of the students see little information value in them. Some of them have even joined social networks to conform to the prevailing trend rather than out of personal desire.

Children today are growing with technology, thus, technology will shape almost all aspects of their lives including communication, personal privacy, academic careers, and professional lives. Technology will also shape their personal relationships with families and friends. It is up to society to protect children from the harmful effects of technology just as Congress took measures in early 1990s to prevent children”s exposure to inappropriate material.

Even though technology has penetrated almost all aspects of our lives, its full effects are still not clear. Invasive technologies such as smartphone and wireless internet are relatively new phenomenon. Thus, the future scope of technology should cover the continuous evolution of society as a result of technology and longer time periods could be chosen to reach more reliable conclusions. While this study has yielded useful insights, there were some limitations such as limited geographical scope, relatively small sample size, and limited response rate. Hopefully, future studies will be able to address the limitations of our survey since they will not be faced with resource and time constraints.

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